Verify Information Regarding BLM Protests and Capitol Incident

Uncover the Truth About BLM Riots and Capitol Attack

Did the Democrats Control Fox News?

In response to Mr. Nusbaum’s letter, it’s essential to address the claim that Democrats control Fox News. However, let’s focus on the facts. Fox News referred to the actions by BLM as a riot, not a war. This information is readily available if you take a moment to look it up yourself.

Media Sympathy: BLM Riots vs. Capitol Attack

Mr. Nusbaum mentioned that the Democrat-controlled news media covered up the Capitol attack by sympathizing with the criminals. But let’s not forget that conservative news stations also sympathized with Trump and those who tried to impede the peaceful transition of power. They played a role in spreading the lie that the situation “just got out of hand.” It’s crucial to acknowledge that the riots following George Floyd’s murder were undeniably wrong. However, they were driven by frustration. Even after all these years, marginalized communities are still not treated with the same respect as White people.

The Insurrection and Falsehoods

The insurrection at the Capitol was a result of lies told by Trump and his people. It’s important to consider the hypocrisy in this situation. If a Democrat candidate had done the same thing, Republicans would undoubtedly call for their head. We must hold any politician accountable for breaking the law, regardless of their political affiliation. The same applies to individuals involved in the BLM riots.

Gas Prices and Pipeline Facts

Mr. Nusbaum mentioned the rise in gas prices and a pipeline without providing details. However, according to the Fox 13 Tampa Bay website, extreme temperatures along the Gulf Coast have impacted refinery operations, leading to reduced capacity. Additionally, globally, oil prices have increased due to OPEC production cuts, causing oil supplies to tighten. It’s crucial to check the facts before making assumptions or claims.

Election Letters and Commenting Rules

If you’re planning to write an election letter regarding any 2023 or 2024 local, state, or federal elections, please note that it is limited to 200 words. Make sure to submit it to The Gazette no later than 10 days before the election. Regular letters, on the other hand, have a limit of 250 words. When commenting online, we encourage you to focus on the content of the letters and refrain from targeting fellow commenters. To maintain a respectful and productive environment, we have established rules against name-calling, profanity, threats, spreading false information, and other forms of inappropriate behavior.


Categories: Letters to the Editor, Opinion, Opinion

Read More of this Story at – 2023-08-18 08:02:29

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