Is Your Kitchen Affecting Your Eating Habits?

How to Set Up Your Kitchen for Intuitive Eating

CNN is offering a new eight-part guide called Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style, which aims to provide a delicious expert-backed eating lifestyle that will boost your health for life. Eating intuitively, or basing your food choices on what your body needs rather than external influences, can be challenging if your kitchen isn’t set up in an intuitive way. CNN Food contributor and meal-planning coach Casey Barber explains that the way you organize your kitchen can greatly impact how you utilize it.

Organizing Your Kitchen for Intuitive Eating

Katrina Green, an ADHD organizing specialist, suggests that if you want to make it easy to eat what you want and need, rather than just what’s convenient, you should invest some time and organization into your kitchen. Natalie Mokari, a dietitian, agrees, stating that it’s not necessary to buy expensive containers or label makers, but it may be helpful to consider what you see when you go to grab food.

Avoid Clutter and Optimize Visibility

Barber recommends avoiding plastic bags with resealable tops, as they can create clutter and make it difficult to find specific items. Instead, she suggests using open containers, like shoeboxes, to stack and organize your bags. When it comes to foods that come in boxes, such as pasta and crackers, Green explains that the decision to use clear containers depends on your needs. Some people find it helpful to see exactly what food they have, while others prefer a streamlined and neutral system.

Consider Accessibility and Visibility

Green advises putting the items you frequently use within easy reach, while placing less desirable options on higher shelves. Additionally, Mokari suggests rethinking the use of drawers in the fridge. Rather than using them for fruits and vegetables, which often get forgotten, she recommends using them for items like drinks and snacks. By making your preferred foods more accessible and visible, you’re more likely to reach for them.

Make Healthy Options Prominent

Barber emphasizes the importance of presenting your go-to meals in the most prominent way possible. By highlighting your health goals and making your favorite meals look their best, you’ll be more inclined to choose healthy options. Mokari also suggests prepping your produce in advance and designating space for ingredients that need to be used soon. This saves time and reduces waste.

Invest in Attractive Containers

While it’s not necessary to splurge on expensive organization tools, Barber says it may be worth investing in attractive containers for fruits and vegetables if it encourages you to eat more of them. The visual appeal of using a beautiful container for berries, for example, may entice you to consume more fruit.

Consider Your Personal Preferences

Lastly, Mokari advises considering more than just your health goals when prepping meals. It’s important to include foods you genuinely enjoy, as you’re more likely to eat them. For example, having a blender and portioned fruit containers readily available can make a smoothie both nourishing and exciting.

By setting up your kitchen in an intuitive way, you can make it easier to make healthier food choices and reduce the reliance on convenience foods. Taking the time to organize and optimize your kitchen can have a significant impact on your overall eating habits.

Original Story at – 2023-10-22 14:59:00

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