Republicans under mounting pressure to halt Trump’s surge in Republican debate

Trump Skips Second Presidential Debate as Rivals Look to Dent His Lead

Trump Skips Second Presidential Debate as Rivals Look to Dent His Lead

Rivals Attack Trump’s Absence

During the second presidential debate, Donald Trump’s rivals took the opportunity to criticize his absence from the event. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, one of the leading Trump alternatives, stated that Trump should have been on the stage to defend his record, particularly his role in increasing the national debt. DeSantis argued that this debt has contributed to the current inflation crisis.

Trump’s Strategic Move

While the debate was taking place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California, Donald Trump chose to deliver a prime-time speech in Michigan instead. This decision allowed him to address the ongoing Auto Workers Union strike and connect with union members, a crucial demographic in a battleground state.

A Critical Moment

The timing of the debate was significant, as it occurred less than four months before the Iowa caucuses, which mark the beginning of the presidential nomination process. Despite facing a range of vulnerabilities, including multiple criminal indictments, Trump has maintained a commanding lead in the Republican primary.

Blistering Attacks on Trump

Several candidates on the debate stage criticized Trump for his absence. DeSantis accused President Joe Biden of also being “missing in action” and pointed out that Trump was nowhere to be seen. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie criticized Trump for hiding behind the walls of his golf clubs and refusing to answer questions like the rest of the candidates.

Trump’s Dismissive Response

During his speech in Michigan, Trump made only a passing mention of the debate, mocking the other candidates for not drawing crowds as large as his. This response drew boos from the audience, highlighting the continued influence he holds over his supporters despite his absence.

A Tall Order

As Trump’s lead in the polls remains strong, his competitors are running out of time to catch up. This sense of urgency has prompted some candidates to take a more direct approach in challenging Trump before a national audience. However, this may prove to be a difficult task given Trump’s enduring popularity.

Reagan’s Legacy

The debate’s location at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library holds symbolic significance in Republican politics. Reagan’s influence still shapes the GOP today, but Trump has reshaped the party and pushed it away from Reagan’s ideals.

Counterprogramming and Criticism

While the debate was taking place, President Biden was attending fundraisers in Northern California. His re-election campaign has been actively counterprogramming in the state, portraying Trump and his supporters as extreme. California Governor Gavin Newsom, a vocal supporter of Biden, dismissed the debate as a sideshow and emphasized Trump’s dominant position in the primary race.

Read More of this Story at – 2023-09-28 02:28:00

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