Building Award-Winning, ‘Epic’ Biceps at Any Age: The Secret of a 66-Year-Old Bodybuilder Still Winning Mr Universe

Bodybuilding legend Tony Pearson, who holds the title of Mr Universe, has shared his secrets to building award-winning biceps. Pearson, who is 66 years old, took to social media to reveal the essential methods that led to his defined arms and numerous titles. Known as “The Jet Man,” Pearson had a successful career in bodybuilding, competing alongside the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger and winning awards well into his late 60s. He recently demonstrated the key tricks to building biceps in a YouTube video with Escape Fitness.

One crucial mistake that Pearson highlighted is the position of the elbows during the standing dumbbell curl exercise. Many lifters keep their elbows out in front of them, which prevents a peak contraction on the biceps. Pearson emphasized the importance of bringing the elbows and arms out in front to force the peak of the bicep muscle to contract. He explained that this is the only way to achieve a peak in the biceps. Additionally, Pearson advised leaning in slightly during the exercise to relieve pressure on the lower back.

Another key tip from Pearson is to fully extend the arms during the curl exercise to stretch the bicep muscle. He emphasized the importance of contracting, leaning in, and fully extending the arms to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise. Pearson also warned against allowing other muscles, such as the forearms and shoulders, to assist the biceps by keeping the elbows close to the body.

One of Pearson’s tricks to isolate the biceps and prevent other muscles from engaging is to soften the grip on the dumbbells during the descending motion of the curl. By not gripping the dumbbells as tightly, Pearson kept the tension solely on the biceps, rather than engaging the forearms. He stressed the importance of preventing other muscles from helping the biceps to achieve maximum growth.

Pearson criticized exercises like the drag curl, which have become popular in the modern fitness space. He argued that drag curls, which involve pulling the weight backward in a rowing motion, engage the back, traps, shoulders, and biceps the least. Pearson’s rule of thumb for epic biceps is to keep everything out in front, as much isolation as possible on the muscle is what leads to growth.

In conclusion, Tony Pearson’s tips for building defined biceps include keeping the elbows and arms out in front during exercises, fully extending the arms to stretch the muscle, and softening the grip on the dumbbells during the descending motion. By following these tricks, fitness enthusiasts of any age can achieve impressive biceps.

Original Story at – 2023-07-02 17:03:20

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