Georgia Election Workers Prevail in Defamation Case Against Rudy Giuliani, Judge Rules

Defamation Charges Upheld Against Rudy Giuliani in Landmark Ruling

A federal judge in Atlanta, Georgia, issued a default ruling on Wednesday, upholding defamation charges brought by Georgia election workers against former New York Mayor and Trump coup conspirator Rudy Giuliani. The ruling comes after Giuliani willfully refused to turn over requested documents as part of the discovery process in a civil defamation suit filed by Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea ArShaye Moss. The two workers were subjected to vicious and fabricated public attacks by Giuliani following Trump’s election loss to Joe Biden.

Freeman and Moss, who were among the workers checking absentee and mail-in ballots in Atlanta on Election Day, November 3, 2020, faced a nightmare of right-wing and racist threats triggered by Giuliani’s and Trump’s lies. As African American women, they endured a wave of hatred and threats, leading to a living nightmare that forced Freeman to quit her job and move out of her house, while Moss had to change her appearance and restrict her movements to avoid public encounters.

Giuliani played a leading role in the ex-president’s conspiracy to overturn the presidential election and remain in power. His personal intervention with Republican lawmakers in Georgia and other swing states aimed to reject certified elector slates and submit fake slates of pro-Trump electors, as part of a far-reaching scheme involving high-level military officials, elements in the police and intelligence apparatus, and right-wing media outlets. The plot culminated in the fascist storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, orchestrated by Trump and Giuliani.

The Impact of Giuliani’s Lies on Freeman and Moss

The allegations made by Giuliani against Freeman and Moss were later found to be false and unsubstantiated by the Georgia Elections Board. However, the damage was done. Freeman received a barrage of threats, racial slurs, and phone calls, leading her to make multiple emergency calls to the police. Trump himself singled out Freeman 18 times in a telephone call, calling her a “professional vote scammer” and accusing her of stuffing ballot boxes.

Moss, on the other hand, faced threats to her teenage son by Trump supporters who used racial slurs in their attacks. The impact of Giuliani’s lies on their lives was devastating, leading them to testify at a public hearing investigating the January 6 coup attempt. In a statement, Freeman and Moss expressed relief at the ruling, describing it as a confirmation that the accusations against them were politically motivated and baseless.

Implications for the Criminal Case Against Trump and Giuliani

While Wednesday’s ruling pertains to a civil case, it is closely linked to the ongoing criminal case against Trump and 18 co-defendants, including Giuliani, brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. The slander against Freeman and Moss is prominently featured in the indictment, as are attempts by Trump backers to pressure Freeman into falsely confessing to committing vote fraud.

Discovery documents turned over by Giuliani’s lawyers in the civil case could potentially provide incriminating information for prosecutors in the criminal case. Judge Howell alluded to this connection and highlighted Giuliani’s refusal to comply with his discovery obligations, stating that there would be consequences for withholding required documents. In addition to upholding the defamation charges, Judge Howell ordered Giuliani to pay $130,000 in legal expenses, with a trial to determine the full scope of damages set to take place later this year or early next year.

Read More of this Story at – 2023-09-02 04:46:31

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DefamationDonald TrumpfascismFreemangeorgiaGiulianiHowelljanuary 6KerikMossRacismTrumpWillis
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