Deposed President Mohamed Bazoum to be Prosecuted for \’High Treason\’, Announce Niger’s Coup Leaders

Reimagining the News: Niger’s Mutinous Soldiers Threaten to Prosecute Deposed President

Niger’s Mutinous Soldiers Threaten to Prosecute Deposed President

Military Regime Accuses Former President of High Treason

In a surprising turn of events, Niger’s mutinous soldiers have announced that they will prosecute deposed President Mohamed Bazoum for “high treason” and undermining state security. This comes just hours after the junta expressed their willingness to engage in dialogue with West African nations to address the growing regional crisis. If found guilty, Bazoum could potentially face the death penalty as per Niger’s penal code.

Gathering Evidence for Prosecution

According to Colonel Major Amadou Abdramane, the military regime has already gathered the necessary evidence to prosecute Bazoum and his local and foreign accomplices. These charges include high treason and undermining the internal and external security of Niger. The announcement, made on state television, did not provide specific details regarding the allegations or the trial’s circumstances or date.

Ongoing House Arrest

Deposed President Bazoum, who was democratically elected, has been under house arrest since July 26, when members of his presidential guard ousted him. Along with his wife and son, he is currently residing in the presidential compound in the capital city of Niamey.

International Pressure and Calls for Reinstatement

Pressure is mounting on the junta to release and reinstate President Bazoum. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), immediately after the coup, demanded the regime to return Bazoum to power within seven days or face military intervention. However, the deadline passed without any action from either side. ECOWAS has since ordered the deployment of a standby force, although it remains uncertain when or if they will enter the country.

Mixed Messages and Uncertainty

As time passes, uncertainty grows amidst mixed messages. Initially, a member of the junta’s communication team stated that the regime had approved talks with ECOWAS. However, the military’s recent accusations of treason against Bazoum cast doubt on the sincerity of their willingness to engage in dialogue. Previous attempts by ECOWAS to communicate with the junta were unsuccessful, as their delegations were barred from entering the country.

Military Mobilization and Tensions

While talk of dialogue continues, military mobilization is also underway. Senegal’s security forces have ordered troops to start moving as part of their contribution to the ECOWAS mission in Niger. The exact number of troops and their destination remains unclear. Meanwhile, the junta has solidified its power by appointing a new government and capitalizing on anti-French sentiment to gain support from the population. This tense environment poses challenges for those opposing the junta, as well as foreign journalists.

Increase in Jihadi Violence

Since the coup, the Sahel region has witnessed an escalation in jihadi violence. Niger, previously seen as a democratic ally in the fight against groups like al-Qaida and the Islamic State, is now grappling with these security threats. Western nations, including France and the United States, have suspended military operations in response to the political turmoil. This has resulted in a power vacuum that jihadi groups are seeking to exploit.

Potential Consequences and Concerns

Experts warn that the suspended cooperation with jihadi groups, which had been established under Bazoum, may have serious consequences. Former jihadis have reported increased celebrations and freedom of movement since the coup. As the security gap widens, there is a heightened risk of new attacks. The situation remains fluid, and the future of programs aimed at reintegrating jihadis into society is uncertain under the military regime.

Associated Press reporter Lorian Belanger in Shintotsukawa, Japan, contributed to this report.

Read More of this Story at – 2023-08-14 07:55:00

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