Jamie Raskin Opens Up About Cancer Recovery, Bravery, and Mental Health Awareness

Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland Embodies Courage in All Aspects of Life

The word “courage” can be difficult to describe. Synonyms such as bravery, pluck, and resolution feel inadequate when compared to the real thing. It is exceedingly rare to meet someone who embodies multiple definitions of the word courage, but Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland is someone who truly gives meaning to the word with his job, in his life, and in his heart.

Raskin is a Harvard Law School graduate who spent more than 25 years as a professor of constitutional law at American University before entering politics. His courage began to show when he first ran for the Maryland state legislature in 2006, on a platform that supported marriage equality, which was unpopular at the time. Later, as a Maryland state senator, he led the fight for marriage equality in 2011 and 2012, when it finally passed the state legislature and was signed into law.

Raskin’s courage has also been seen in his struggles with cancer, his role as lead Impeachment manager after the January 6, 2021, insurrection, and his service as a member of the January 6th Select Committee. He has also been public about the tragic loss of his son, Tommy, who died by suicide in December of 2020, only a month before he took on the role of Impeachment manager. Despite the agony that came with that, he has been resilient in opening up about his son’s death in the hopes of relieving some of the stigma around suicide.

Raskin’s latest hurdle was his diagnosis with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, a serious but curable form of cancer, in December of 2022. After undergoing four months of treatment, he recently received a clean bill of health. He has used this experience to dive back into his constant battle to help save democracy and has spoken out about the lies surrounding the events of January 6 and the damage they have caused to the Republican Party.

As Mental Health Awareness Month continues, Raskin spoke candidly about his loss and how it has helped to open up discussions about mental health struggles. He also spoke to the issues surrounding suicide and how important it is to remove the stigma and shame surrounding it. When people find out about Raskin’s personal story, many don’t know how to respond. Despite this, he feels it is essential to shine a light on the subject and talk about it openly.

Raskin also spoke about the alarming rate of suicide among LGBTQ+ youth, which is much higher than those of their straight peers. Anti-LGBTQ+ laws, particularly those aimed at queer youth, are making matters worse and causing significant problems with mental health.

Despite the enormity of Raskin’s pain, he has taken on the role of Impeachment manager after the January 6 insurrection, which is one of the most significant examples of courage within his political career. He describes it as something he felt he had no choice but to do.

Raskin is a true example of courage, showing that it is not a one-dimensional trait but one that should be held in high regard in all aspects of life. His bravery and resilience in the face of immense personal hardship continue to inspire people to speak out and fight for what they believe in.

Original Story at www.advocate.com – 2023-05-23 22:30:00

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