Insightful study uncovers the distorted perspective of incels towards dating and the reasons behind their diminished success

Incels: Study Finds They Have Lower Standards for Partners

Incels, or involuntary celibates, have gained attention in recent years for their dark and depraved online community. These young heterosexual men blame society and women for their perceived inability to have romantic relationships. While it has been suggested that incels fail in the dating world because they have unrealistic expectations of women, a new study from the University of Texas challenges this notion.

The study, which is the first official exploration of incel mating psychology, found that self-identified incels actually have lower demands for potential female partners compared to men who are not part of the group. This contradicts the belief that incels judge women too highly and have unrealistic expectations. Additionally, the study revealed that incels were more likely to be of shorter height, which may contribute to their feelings of rejection.

Previous research from the University of Rome has shown that factors such as depression, paranoia, and anxiety make men more likely to become incels. Attachment styles causing clingy behavior and a fear of rejection are also predictors of a hatred towards women. These psychological factors may play a role in the formation of the incel identity.

Incels, many of whom advocate violence and rape against women, have been responsible for a growing number of terror attacks in recent years. Individuals like Mauricio Garcia, who shot and killed eight people outside a shopping mall in Texas, have posted incel content that encourages violence against women. Elliot Rodger, who killed six people in a 2014 attack, expressed his deep-rooted hatred of women and his frustration at being a virgin.

In the recent study conducted by the University of Texas, 319 men were recruited via social media, with 139 identifying as incels. The most surprising finding was the relatively low standards of incels when it came to potential partners. On average, incels were willing to settle for below average ratings on 12 out of 15 characteristics, including facial attractiveness, sexual skill, and intelligence.

The researchers did not provide specific explanations for why incels may have lower standards for romantic interests. However, it has been suggested that incels’ insecurity and belief that they are unworthy of successful and beautiful women may contribute to their lower expectations.

The study also revealed that incels were more likely to attribute their singlehood to external reasons, such as competition from other men. In addition, incels placed more importance on physical attractiveness and financial prospects, while underestimating women’s desire for intelligence, kindness, and humor.

Overall, this study sheds light on the psychology of incels and challenges some common assumptions about their beliefs and expectations. Understanding the factors that contribute to the incel identity is crucial in addressing the harmful ideologies and behaviors associated with this online community.

Original Story at – 2023-10-24 21:12:44

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