Investigators to scrutinize voice recordings and data retrieved from the mother ship that transported the ill-fated Titanic-bound submersible before its implosion.

Canadian investigators are reviewing voice recordings and data from the Polar Prince, the mother ship that carried the submersible Titan and its five occupants on its journey to the site of the Titanic wreckage. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada is not assigning blame but instead looking to find out what happened and why and to reduce the chance of such occurrences in the future. The voyage data recorder stores audio from the ship’s bridge, and the content of those voice recordings could be useful in the investigation, according to Kathy Fox, chair of the Transportation Safety Board of Canada.

The implosion of the submersible killed all five people who were aboard during its descent to the Titanic shipwreck. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is looking into whether “criminal, federal, or provincial laws may possibly have been broken.” Meanwhile, the US Coast Guard and the National Transportation Safety Board are also investigating the implosion, and remotely operated vehicles will continue to gather information from the sea floor.

ROV missions are expected to continue for about another week. Any attempts to recover anything from the debris field will warrant a larger operation in tandem with Deep Energy. The multinational investigation comes amid mounting questions about the Titan’s design. A CNN review of OceanGate’s marketing material, public statements made by Rush and court records show that the company rejected industry standards that would have imposed greater scrutiny on its operations and vessels. Industry experts have also raised concerns.

The Canadian investigation is a significant step toward understanding what caused the tragic event. The voice recordings from the Polar Prince could provide critical information, and the multinational investigation will likely provide insights into the Titan’s design.

Read More of this Story at – 2023-06-25 05:49:00

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