Officials say woman suffers apparent shark bite at Rockaway Beach, prompting closure of NY park to swimming and surfing

Shark Bite Prompts Closure of Rockaway Beach Park

Shark Bite Prompts Closure of Rockaway Beach Park

Recent Incident Leads to Temporary Closure

New York, US

Parks officials have announced the temporary closure of Rockaway Beach Park for swimming and surfing following an incident where a woman was bitten by a shark near the beach in Queens, New York. The closure is a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of beachgoers.

Public Safety Announcement

The NYC Parks Department posted a message on their verified social media account stating that Rockaway Beach will be closed to swimming and surfing due to recent shark activity. They urged the public to comply with the closure for their own safety.

Emergency Response and Victim’s Condition

Emergency personnel swiftly responded to the incident at Rockaway Beach, where they found a woman with a serious leg injury. She was immediately taken to the Jamaica Hospital Medical Center and is currently in stable condition.

Confirmed Shark Bite

Authorities have confirmed that the woman’s injury was caused by a shark bite. The New York City Fire Department stated that all indications point to a shark attack, making it the first unprovoked incident of its kind in recent memory at Rockaway Beach.

Previous Shark Incidents

Although shark incidents are rare in the area, there have been a few recorded cases in the past. The Shark Research Institute’s database shows that the last unprovoked shark attack at Rockaway Beach occurred in 1953, while the last provoked attack in New York happened in 2010 off the coast of Long Island.

String of Recent Attacks

This incident follows a series of five likely shark attacks off the coast of nearby Long Island, which occurred just a month ago. These incidents prompted local officials to increase shark patrols and heighten awareness among beachgoers.

Preventing Shark Attacks

Swimming in groups, staying close to the shore, and avoiding areas with bait fish can help reduce the risk of shark attacks, according to experts like Gavin Naylor, director of the Florida Program for Shark Research.

Risk of Shark Attacks

While shark attacks are relatively rare, it’s important to note that they do occur. The Florida Museum of Natural History reported 57 confirmed, unprovoked attacks worldwide last year, with 41 of them taking place in the United States. Eight nonfatal incidents were recorded in New York.

Read More of this Story at – 2023-08-08 19:51:00

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