The future of the IRS hinges on the results of the 2024 election

Partisan Disagreements Over IRS Funding Erupt in Congress

Commissioner Daniel Werfel testified in front of the House Ways and Means committee, sparking heated debates over the Internal Revenue Service’s performance and the $80 billion investment from the Inflation Reduction Act.

Republicans’ Criticism

Republicans accused the IRS of failing taxpayers and wasting funds, particularly targeting the new agents for auditing wealthy taxpayers. Committee chairman Rep. Jason Smith raised concerns about the IRS’s spending and revenue forecasts.

Democrats’ Defense

In response, Democrats praised the IRS’s progress and emphasized the importance of funding to catch tax cheats and close the tax gap. Rep. Lloyd Dogget highlighted the need for fair treatment of all taxpayers.

Impact on 2024 Election

The upcoming election could determine the IRS’s fate, with control of Congress and the White House playing a crucial role in shaping its future.

The Tax Gap Challenge

Increased audits are central to closing the tax gap, which has grown due to complex tax codes and outdated technology hindering IRS operations.

Long-Term Funding for IRS

Werfel stressed the importance of sustained funding to boost revenue and reduce the federal deficit, supported by reports from the Congressional Budget Office and Treasury Department.

Improved Customer Service

Enhanced funding has led to better customer service, with shorter wait times and increased call responsiveness, transforming the taxpayer experience during filing seasons.

Future Outlook

The IRS’s future hinges on political outcomes, with President Joe Biden advocating for continued funding while potential Republican nominee Donald Trump proposes mixed funding levels, setting the stage for further debates.


As the IRS funding debate rages on in Congress, the agency’s ability to effectively enforce tax laws and serve taxpayers remains a critical issue for both parties.

Read More of this Story at – 2024-02-16 18:29:29

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