The Polite Zealotry of Mike Johnson

Newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson’s faith and worldview have come under scrutiny following an interview on Fox News. Johnson, a devout Christian, has consistently stated that his faith informs everything he does and that his worldview is derived from the Bible. However, it is important to note that there is a wide range of worldviews among Christians and even within the Bible itself.

Johnson, who has deep ties to the Southern Baptist Convention, holds a literal reading of the Bible, including the Book of Genesis. He is closely associated with Ken Ham, the CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis, an organization that rejects evolution and believes in a young Earth. Johnson has provided legal services to this ministry and fully supports their mission of promoting a true Christian worldview.

In addition to his views on creationism, Johnson is also a staunch advocate for conservative Christian values in politics. He wants churches to be more involved in politics and favors overturning the Johnson Amendment, which restricts churches from engaging in political campaign activities while maintaining their tax-exempt status. Johnson believes that churches and Christian viewpoints are constantly under attack and censored.

During his time as an attorney and spokesman for the Alliance Defense Fund (now Alliance Defending Freedom), Johnson has written in favor of criminalizing gay sex and has referred to abortion as a “holocaust.” He has also made controversial comparisons, such as equating a right-to-die case to Hitler’s ideology.

One influential figure in shaping Johnson’s worldview is David Barton, a Christian-right activist and historian. Barton’s work, which promotes the idea of America as a Christian nation and denies the separation of church and state, has had a profound influence on Johnson. Barton’s views have been widely criticized by historians for their lack of historical accuracy and anti-intellectualism.

Despite his claim to be a “rule-of-law guy,” Johnson has been involved in efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. This contradicts his stated commitment to the principles of the Constitution and the rule of law.

Overall, Johnson’s faith and worldview are deeply rooted in his conservative Christian beliefs. His association with organizations and individuals who promote a specific Christian worldview, such as Answers in Genesis and David Barton, has shaped his views on creationism, the role of churches in politics, and the idea of America as a Christian nation. However, it is important to recognize that there is a diversity of Christian worldviews, and Johnson’s views do not represent all Christians or even all conservative Christians.

Original Story at – 2023-10-31 13:27:33

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