White House rips Fox News as the right-wing channel launches sinister attacks on Biden

White House Defends Itself Against Allegations Raised by Fox News

The White House has responded to allegations made by Fox News, relating to President Joe Biden, with angry dismissals. The news network ran smears against the President, including referring to him as a “wannabe dictator” and alleging, via anonymous “critics,” that the White House had flown a flag promoting grooming and pedophilia. The flag was actually the transgender flag, and Fox was also found to have used a similar flag in promoting their own logo last year.

The President’s administration has previously refrained from getting involved in exchanges with Fox, however, they felt compelled to address the harms done by such claims. Fox has been criticized for its disregard for the potential weight of such allegations, which go beyond political differences and take on serious and unsubstantiated personal accusations. A senior administration official said that, “Fox is actively disrespecting their viewers, abusing people’s trust for profit.”

Fox’s ratings have been in steady decline over recent years, and the network continues to seek a permanent replacement for far-right commentator, Tucker Carlson. Recent leaked messages revealed network executives were concerned that false information was necessary to keep viewers hooked.

Fox News has made weak, or no, apologies for the slurs and smears against President Biden and his administration, raising concerns about their journalistic ethics. A spokesperson did release a statement on the “wannabe dictator” banner, but not the comments about the flag. Meanwhile, White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, dismissed the smear on the President with a quip about Dominion Voting Systems settlement of $787 million. Whilst White House deputy press secretary, Andrew Bates, responded with an aggressive tweet, stating that Fox News was “characteristically lying through their teeth.”

The reports against the President and the White House have contributed to concerns over the ethical and professional standards of Fox News. They emphasize the need for fact-checking and responsible journalism, especially in major news outlets, where false accusations and personal attacks can have a far-reaching impact.

Fox’s attacks against the President and his administration are unfounded and unacceptable, calling into question the network’s ethics and priorities in journalism. They serve as a warning to all major news outlets to respect individuals and their reputations and to maintain the highest standards of journalism.

Original Story at www.cnn.com – 2023-06-15 03:56:00

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