$17 million allocated to protect forests, fish, and marshes in the Northeast through the Inflation Reduction Act

National Park Service Invests $195 Million in <a href="https://www.irs.gov/inflation-reduction-act-of-2022">Inflation Reduction Act</a> Funding

National Park Service Invests $195 Million in Inflation Reduction Act Funding

A forest at Gettysburg National Military Park
A forest at Gettysburg National Military Park

NPS Photo


News Release Date: March 15, 2024

Contact: John Harlan Warren, 215-908-3159

Investment Announcement

The National Park Service has committed $195 million in Inflation Reduction Act funding to enhance the resilience of vital wildlife habitats, recreational spaces, and historical landmarks across the country. This investment aims to address the impacts of climate change and ensure the preservation of these natural treasures for future generations.

Northeast Projects

Within the Northeast region, approximately $17 million will be allocated to initiatives that bolster the climate resilience of national parks. Key projects include fortifying forests, protecting brook trout populations, and safeguarding coastal marshlands. These efforts are crucial in mitigating the effects of environmental changes on these ecosystems.

Conservation Benefits

The utilization of Inflation Reduction Act funding in national parks serves multiple purposes, such as climate preparedness, species protection, ecosystem restoration, and job creation within the conservation sector. By supporting projects in rural communities, this investment contributes to the economic well-being of local areas while safeguarding natural resources.

Leadership Statements

“This commitment to conservation reflects a monumental step in addressing the climate crisis and enhancing America’s resilience,” remarked National Park Service Director Chuck Sams. The agency’s Northeast Region Director, Gay Vietzke, emphasized the importance of these projects in preserving critical natural resources and promoting sustainability for future generations.

Environmental Challenges

Given the pressing threats posed by climate change and other environmental issues, these investments play a vital role in protecting ecosystems, wildlife habitats, and cultural sites. To learn more about the Inflation Reduction Act projects undertaken by the National Park Service, visit here.


Read More of this Story at www.nps.gov – 2024-03-15 15:45:01

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