Congress seeks to steer clear of politics with impartial Jan. 6 investigation


In the wake of the Capitol siege, Congress is considering the establishment of an independent outside panel to probe the events of January 6th. Both Democrats and Republicans have cited the 9/11 Commission as a model of bipartisan cooperation for such an investigation.

The Challenge of Keeping Politics Out

However, veterans of the 9/11 Commission’s inquiry into the 2001 terror attacks express concerns about the potential politicization of an investigation into the Capitol riot. Despite President Trump’s recent acquittal, questions remain about his role in inciting the violence.

Setting Up the Panel

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has collaborated with key figures from the 9/11 Commission to propose legislation for the establishment of this new panel. The success of such a commission hinges on appointing members who can navigate the political landscape with a commitment to following the facts.

Composition and Expertise

Former members of the 9/11 Commission emphasize the importance of appointing individuals with experience in complex policy areas, such as cybersecurity, law enforcement, racial issues, and disinformation campaigns. The composition of the committee plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success and credibility of the investigation.

Mandate and Focus Areas

The legislation proposed by Pelosi outlines a clear mandate for the commission, focusing on investigating the facts and causes of the January 6th attack, as well as the response of law enforcement agencies. The goal is to strengthen the institutions of democracy and address issues like Capitol security, white supremacy, and anti-Semitism.

Bipartisanship and Subpoena Power

Pelosi emphasizes the need for strong bipartisan support for the commission, alongside subpoena power to compel cooperation from key witnesses and access to relevant materials. The success of the investigation relies on a united effort to uncover the truth behind the Capitol riot.

Challenges and Investigations

Proposals for the commission face challenges regarding the scope of the inquiry, potential conflicts of interest, and ongoing FBI investigations into the Capitol rioters. The need for unity and cooperation in the face of these challenges is paramount for the commission’s effectiveness.


As the debate over the establishment of an independent panel to investigate the Capitol siege continues, the focus remains on ensuring a thorough, bipartisan inquiry that upholds the integrity of the investigative process. By learning from the lessons of the past, the commission aims to provide a comprehensive account of the events of January 6th and strengthen the foundations of democracy.

Read More of this Story at – 2024-03-25 18:56:15

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