Ex-GOP mayoral candidate admits guilt to charge related to Jan. 6 incident

The Guilty Plea of a Former Mayoral Candidate in Connecticut

A former mayoral candidate in Connecticut has recently pleaded guilty to a charge in connection with the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, as revealed in a court filing on Friday.

Gino DiGiovanni Jr., a Republican who previously ran for mayor of Derby, agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors regarding a misdemeanor charge. He officially acknowledged his actions by signing and submitting a document.

A Former Alderman and Mayoral Candidate

Prior to his mayoral campaign, DiGiovanni served as an alderman in Derby, an elected position.

Derby, CT alderman and mayoral candidate Gino DiGiovanni, Jr.  and his attorney Martin Minnella appear outside New Haven federal court after DiGiovanni Jr.’s first appearance before a judge in connection with his Tuesday arrest on January 6th charges.” height=
Derby, Conn., alderman and mayoral candidate Gino DiGiovanni Jr., right, and his attorney Martin Minnella appear outside federal court in New Haven, Conn., in 2023.

Entering and Remaining on Restricted Grounds

As part of his guilty plea, DiGiovanni admitted to entering and remaining on restricted grounds, specifically the U.S. Capitol Building, without lawful authority.

According to a statement of offense, DiGiovanni affirmed that he knowingly entered and stayed in the restricted building.

DiGiovanni’s attorney, Martin Minnella, previously suggested that his client would likely receive a fine and probation for his misdemeanor charge, as is typical for defendants in Jan. 6 cases who express remorse and have no significant criminal history.

DiGiovanni’s Admission and Sentencing

During an interview in October 2022, DiGiovanni admitted to being present at the Capitol on January 6th, acknowledging photographic evidence of his presence. He emphasized that he did not cause any damage or destruction.

DiGiovanni is scheduled to be sentenced in April, and his attorney, Martin Minnella, has not yet commented on the guilty plea.

As of now, more than 1,265 individuals have been arrested for Jan. 6-related charges, with DiGiovanni joining over 700 defendants who have pleaded guilty to federal charges related to the riot.

Author: Megan Lebowitz

Ryan J. Reilly also contributed.

Read More of this Story at www.nbcnews.com – 2024-01-13 00:10:00

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