Exploring Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy for a Second Term: A Campaign Roundup

What Could U.S. Foreign Policy Look Like in a Second Trump Administration?


Donald Trump‘s lead in the polls has grown, raising questions about what U.S. foreign policy would look like in a potential second term. While there is no definitive answer, we can gather some insights from his occasional comments and news stories based on discussions with advisers. Trump has expressed intentions to end China’s most-favored nation trading status, impose a universal baseline tariff on U.S. imports, reevaluate NATO’s purpose, and possibly recognize North Korea as a nuclear power. He has also shown interest in military action against Mexican drug cartels and has pledged to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act and withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

Potential Policies

It is uncertain whether these proposals will materialize or remain idle talk, as Trump has a history of making unfulfilled threats and promises. However, what is clear is that a second Trump term would result in a significant shift towards a more nationalist, less cooperative, and more unilateralist approach to U.S. foreign policy. This shift could strain relationships with longstanding friends, partners, and allies, but Trump has long believed that the current world order does not serve American interests.

Campaign Update

In other news, the House of Representatives voted to open a formal Impeachment investigation of Joe Biden, deepening partisan divisions. New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu endorsed Nikki Haley for president, providing a potential boost to her campaign in the Granite State. New York’s State Court of Appeals ordered the redrawing of congressional districts, favoring Democrats’ chances of retaking the U.S. House of Representatives. Additionally, Michigan’s Court of Appeals ruled that Trump’s name can appear on the state’s primary ballot, but deferred a decision on the general election.

The Candidates in Their Own Words

Trump held a rally in Coralville, Iowa, where he reiterated his commitment to ending what he calls Biden’s open border policies and launching a massive deportation mission. Polls suggest strong support for Trump among likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers. CNN organized a town hall with Ron DeSantis, where he expressed skepticism about the two-state solution for Israel and called for cracking down on immigration. Vivek Ramaswamy, in another CNN town hall, advocated for stricter immigration policies and ending birthright citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants. Cornel West referred to Biden as a milquetoast neoliberal with military adventurism.

What the Pundits Are Saying

According to The New Yorker’s Amy Davidson Sorkin, the U.S. Supreme Court needs to rule on whether Trump can be disqualified from the Colorado ballot due to the January 6 insurrection. Politico’s Rich Lowry argues that Biden’s decline in the polls has eliminated any possibility of making an electability argument against Trump in Republican circles.

The Campaign Schedule

The campaign schedule remains dynamic, with the Iowa caucuses signaling the start of the primary season.

Read More of this Story at www.cfr.org – 2023-12-16 18:22:14

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