Mayors in national survey unsure about inflation bill’s impact on climate change efforts, according to Kinder Institute for Urban Research.

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Unlocking the Potential of the IRA: Insights from the 2023 Menino Survey of Mayors

The Survey Overview

The latest Menino Survey of Mayors, titled “Building for a Green Future: Cities and the IRA,” was unveiled on March 7th. Over 100 mayors from cities with populations exceeding 75,000 residents participated anonymously in this survey conducted between June and September the previous year.

Key Challenges Identified

The survey highlighted significant obstacles hindering the implementation of the IRA, including a lack of awareness among local officials and the general population, cumbersome permitting processes, and resistance towards developing clean energy infrastructure. Additionally, many smaller city governments struggle to navigate the complex process of applying for IRA grant funding due to the intricate federal bureaucracy.

Perception of Federal Investments

While the IRA offers federal investments in the form of tax credits and grants to various entities, 45% of mayors perceived the process as challenging, while only 38% found it easy to engage in. Despite the hurdles, Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb emphasized the positive impact of IRA funding on job creation and education initiatives within his city.

Insights from E2 Report

The E2 report, “Clean Economy Works: IRA One-Year Review,” highlighted the significant clean energy and clean vehicle projects in Texas funded through the IRA. Houston, in particular, stands out as a key player in the energy transition, with a growing number of projects in the pipeline supported by the Houston Energy Transition Initiative.

Maximizing IRA’s Potential

The survey concluded that local governments play a crucial role in maximizing the IRA’s impact on climate infrastructure projects. However, there is a pressing need for clearer guidance from the federal government to facilitate successful implementation of this transformative policy.

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