Oregon Supreme Court: Trump to Remain on State’s Ballot for 2024 US Presidential Election, Temporarily

The Supreme Court of Oregon Keeps Donald Trump on State’s Primary Ballot

Former United States President and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump will remain on the state’s primary ballot in Oregon despite a bid to have him removed over his involvement in the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. The decision was made by the Supreme Court of Oregon on Friday (Jan 12).

Challenges Under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment

Rights groups in several states, including Oregon, have filed lawsuits to remove Trump from their state ballots using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. This rarely used provision from the civil-war era prohibits officials who have engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” from holding office.

The Lawsuit and its Background

Five Oregon voters, supported by the liberal advocacy group Free Speech For The People, filed the lawsuit against Trump last year. The Oregon Supreme Court has decided to defer its ruling until the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) hears an appeal from the former president.

The Impact of SCOTUS’ Decision

The ruling by the US Supreme Court may ultimately settle the issue, but the Oregon court stated that the plaintiffs have the option to try again. It is worth noting that Section 3 has not been directly addressed by the US Supreme Court, which has a conservative majority of six to three. The provision fell out of use after the 1870s.

Trump’s Removal from State Ballots

Colorado and Maine have already removed Trump from their state ballots due to lawsuits citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. However, these decisions can still be appealed.

Reactions to the Oregon Supreme Court’s Decision

The liberal advocacy group expressed disappointment with the Oregon Supreme Court’s decision, stating that it only limits the time available for resolving any remaining issues. On the other hand, the Trump campaign spokesman praised the decision, calling it the “correct one” and urging the swift dismissal of any further challenges based on the 14th Amendment.

Important Deadlines

Oregon election officials have set March 21 as the deadline for finalizing the names on the primary ballot. The state’s primary will take place exactly two months later.

(With inputs from agencies)

Read More of this Story at www.wionews.com – 2024-01-13 14:27:10

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