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Super Tuesday 2024: A Landmark Day in the US Presidential Race

Super Tuesday 2024: A Landmark Day in the US Presidential Race

By Jude Sheerin | BBC News, Washington

Introduction: The Big Day Approaches

Super Tuesday, a pivotal moment in the 2024 race for the White House, is just around the corner. This day, scheduled for 5 March, will see voters in 15 states and one US territory making crucial decisions in choosing their preferred presidential candidates.

What is Super Tuesday?

Super Tuesday is the day when the majority of states hold their presidential primary elections. This year, it will involve contests in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and American Samoa.

Delegate Count

On Super Tuesday, a significant number of delegates are up for grabs. Delegates play a crucial role in determining the final presidential nominee for each party. A total of 865 Republican delegates and at least 1,420 Democratic delegates are at stake on this critical day.

Focus on Trump and Biden

Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner, aims to secure a substantial number of delegates on Super Tuesday to bolster his nomination chances. Meanwhile, Joe Biden, the Democratic incumbent, is expected to solidify his lead in the race despite facing some challenges from other candidates.

Key Battlegrounds to Watch

States like North Carolina, Colorado, and Virginia will be crucial battlegrounds to monitor during the Super Tuesday contests. These regions could provide valuable insights into the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses as they march towards the general election in November.

Final Thoughts

As the US gears up for this high-stakes day in the presidential race, all eyes will be on the outcomes of Super Tuesday. The results could shape the trajectory of the 2024 election and set the stage for a gripping showdown between the leading contenders.

Read More of this Story at www.bbc.com – 2024-03-05 01:47:48

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