Worcester Welcomes Qlynton Carboo’s New Fashion Store, Wavvz Nee Age

Local Fashion Designer Finds Success with Wavvz New Age

Qlynton “Q” Carboo, the founder of Wavvz New Age, has made a name for himself in the local fashion scene in Worcester. What started as a hobby with an unused sewing machine has now grown into a thriving business.

New Kid on the Block

Carboo’s journey began in 2017 when he bought his own sewing machine and started designing hoodies for his roommates. His work quickly gained popularity and went “locally viral.” Fast forward six years, and Carboo celebrated the grand opening of the Wavvz storefront on Main Street, marking a significant milestone for his business.

Challenges as an Immigrant Entrepreneur

Breaking into the Worcester fashion scene wasn’t easy for Carboo, who faced resistance as an immigrant trying to establish himself in a new city. Initially, he struggled to find support from the art and fashion community, as they perceived him as competition. Additionally, Carboo felt caught between two worlds, not quite fitting into the African immigrant community in Worcester.

From Tailor to Business Owner

Despite cultural expectations, Carboo pursued his passion for sewing and built a team of volunteers with unique skills. As the business grew, he transitioned from being a designer to a business owner. Carboo sought out business classes and educational programs to learn the ins and outs of the industry, aiming to elevate his brand to a high-end level.

A Fashion Hub in Worcester

With the opening of the Wavvz storefront, Carboo has created a space that goes beyond a clothing store. It has become a fashion hub, where aspiring entrepreneurs can learn and grow. Carboo has embraced his role as a mentor, offering sewing workshops and supporting young entrepreneurs.

The American Dream is Real

Carboo’s success story is a testament to the American dream. As an immigrant, he believes that in America, anyone can turn their talent into a business. Carboo became a citizen this year and encourages others to seize the opportunities available to them.

For more information on Qlynton Carboo and Wavvz New Age, visit their website.

Original Story at www.telegram.com – 2023-12-14 10:13:00

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