Amidst Political Turmoil, Congressman Fitzpatrick Supports Controversial Speaker Bid

Support for Congressman Jim Jordan Grows: Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick Backs Jordan for Speaker of the House

Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick at an event in November 2022.
Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick at an event in November 2022. Credit: Tom Sofield/


Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick has officially announced his support for Congressman Jim Jordan’s bid for Speaker of the U.S. House. This endorsement comes as Jordan faces two unsuccessful attempts to secure the speakership.

Challenges for Jim Jordan

Despite being on the ballot twice this week, Jordan has been unable to gather enough votes to win the speakership. Members of his own party have not yet rallied behind his bid, hindering his progress.

Fitzpatrick’s Statement

While Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick’s office did not respond to requests for comment or an interview, Fitzpatrick released a statement on social media that alluded to his support for Jordan without explicitly mentioning him. He expressed his frustration towards members of his own party who voted to remove the previous speaker and Democrats who supported that effort. Fitzpatrick emphasized the urgency of electing a new speaker and reopening the government promptly.

Jordan’s Vote Count

In order to be elected speaker, Jordan needs a minimum of 217 votes. However, he received 200 votes on Tuesday and 199 votes on Wednesday, falling short of the required support.

Uncertainty in the House

Following Jordan’s unsuccessful attempts, the House’s next steps towards appointing a new speaker remain uncertain. This uncertainty has affected routine House proceedings, including pending federal spending legislation and military support packages.

Controversial Figure

On Capitol Hill, Congressman Jim Jordan is known for his contentious nature and sharp criticisms of Democrats. He has also faced scrutiny for his involvement in efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and allegations of overlooking sexual abuse allegations during his time at Ohio State.

Public Influence on Fitzpatrick

Ahead of the vote, conservative Facebook groups in Fitzpatrick’s First Congressional District encouraged their followers to contact Fitzpatrick’s office and urge him to support Jordan. Additionally, political advocacy group Congressional Integrity Project aired ads highlighting Jordan’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election results and his connections to the January 6 attack.

Reactions to Fitzpatrick’s Support

Various individuals and organizations have reacted to Fitzpatrick’s endorsement of Jordan. Democratic candidate Ashley Ehasz criticized Fitzpatrick for aligning with the Trump-supporting wing of the party. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee challenged Fitzpatrick’s vote, accusing him of consistently siding with Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. Progressive organization Indivisible Bucks County condemned Fitzpatrick’s support for Jordan, describing him as a “disreputable and hyper-partisan lawmaker.” Agnes ‘Sparky’ Morrison, a Democrat and U.S. Air Force veteran, expressed disappointment in Fitzpatrick’s vote, believing it prioritized party over country.

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