Another viewpoint: Journalists must rise to a higher ethical standard – The Daily Reporter

Journalists are being urged to return to sound journalism as a new election cycle begins, according to an essay by Cal Thomas in World magazine. Thomas, who started his newspaper career in 1961 and still writes today, said many media outlets reinforce what their audience already thinks, rather than reporting the news, which he compared to propaganda. He gave the example of the Steele dossier, which he said was known to be a lie by the major media, but was still used as the basis for news reports alleging collusion between then-candidate Donald Trump and Russia. Thomas also criticised Fox News for repeating the lie that Dominion Voting Systems rigged voting machines in favour of the Democrats, and said reporters have a responsibility to report with integrity.

According to Thomas, journalists colluded with then-candidate Hillary Clinton to promote her campaign and falsely accuse Trump, and that reporting known lies is not journalism. He added that the Constitution protects the press from government tyranny, but with that freedom comes the responsibility to report honestly, which he said too often doesn’t happen. Voters make better choices when journalists conduct fair investigations and make honest reports about candidates, he said, adding that it’s time reporters infused every news report with a healthy dose of integrity.

The essay also commented on current US President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Trump, stating that neither of them seem well-suited to the role. Thomas said voters need to demand better and journalists need to up their game in the upcoming election cycle. He concluded that unless they do, voters will be stuck making misinformed decisions.

The essay by Thomas was published in World magazine on 3 June 2023.

Original Story at – 2023-06-21 02:30:00

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