Build Your Upper Body in 20 Minutes with This Seated Kettlebell Workout Without Dumbbells

### Seated Kettlebell Workout: Strengthen Your Upper Body and Core

Sit down but don’t take a load off. Instead, grab a kettlebell and try this seated kettlebell workout that strengthens your upper body and core muscles in just 10 moves and 20 minutes, all without standing. If you haven’t already invested in kettlebell training, we’ve tested some of the best kettlebells for weightlifting and can’t get enough of the models in our round-up, adjustable or not. You might also want to roll out an exercise mat to support your joints for some moves if you don’t have a chair.

### Watch the Seated Kettlebell Workout by Samuel Jordan

This workout comes from Samuel Jordan. “Here’s a seated kettlebell workout to build your upper body,” he introduces. It targets anyone with limited mobility or working through a lower-body injury, but anyone can benefit from the workout. It’s an upper-body beasting, trust me. It follows a HIIT-style format, which means you’ll increase your heart rate while strengthening your core and various upper body muscles. To set expectations, this isn’t going to tear through hundreds of calories in 20 minutes. People hear “HIIT” and assume it’ll be a high-calorie burner, but the amount of calories you burn during exercise varies from person to person and depends on individual biology and your capacity to burn energy, not just the workout itself.

### Trainer Notes

Jordan recommends taking it at your pace and adding extra rest if needed. It’s impressive how creative you can be while sitting down; I found this kettlebell workout super challenging because I couldn’t use my legs to help drive momentum, especially when overloading my upper body to fatigue. Seated exercises can sometimes reduce demand on core activation and stability, especially if your back is supported, so I love that some of these moves specifically target your core muscles, which are responsible for posture, safe torso movement and helping control and shift heavy weights. Your biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, and back muscles are also at work throughout the short session.

### Kettlebell Exercises for Core and Upper Body

The kettlebell halos and woodchoppers are out-and-out core exercises that work the abs, obliques, arms, and delts; upright rows and shrugs heavily target your anterior, lateral, and posterior delts, biceps, and traps. Presses hit the triceps, pecs, and anterior delts, while curls primarily strengthen the biceps and extensions work the triceps. The kettlebell clean exercise is considered a technical move to master but is worth learning. You’ll reset the bell on the floor between each rep, pulling the weight up to your shoulder, then adding the press overhead. It’s a popular standalone kettlebell exercise and is used as a transition between floor-to-ceiling moves, so it will come in handy if you learn it properly.

From sitting, these moves may feel noticeably tougher than if you performed them standing because your body must control the weight using just the upper body and core — the muscles these moves are designed for — and your legs can’t step in to help drive the movement, meaning the targeted muscle groups must do all the work. If this workout isn’t for you, I’ve gathered up some of our favorite kettlebell workouts below instead.

Original Story at – 2024-04-08 05:00:00

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