Cicadas’ Diet: These Trees and Shrubs in Your Yard May Be at Risk – NBC Chicago

Illinois Cicada Emergence: What You Need to Know

As Illinois prepares for the full emergence of the 17-year cicadas, sightings have already started to appear in the Chicago area. Stephanie Adams, a Plant Pathologist at Morton Arboretum in Lisle, mentioned that Brood XIII cicadas have begun to surface across the region and will soon be widespread.

Expected Emergence and Impact

After spending 17 years underground, billions of periodical cicadas from Brood XIII are set to emerge fully in mid-May and June. Once they emerge, they will be prevalent everywhere, particularly on and around trees. The cicadas are known to lay eggs on various trees and shrubs, with preferences for specific types such as oak, maple, and hickory.

During the emergence 17 years ago, trees like maples, cherries, and oaks were among the most affected. The cicadas are expected to feast on tree fluids and leave behind cicada shells, impacting vulnerable and small plants.

Protecting Your Trees

While cicadas are generally harmless, they can cause damage to young and small trees and shrubs when females lay eggs inside the bark. To protect your plants, consider using tulle as a breathable wrap and barrier. It is essential to start protecting young plants early and keep them wrapped until mid-June when the emergence ends.

Dealing with Cicadas in Your Yard

Avoid using insecticides to control cicadas, as they are generally ineffective and may harm other organisms. Instead, focus on gentle removal by hand and consider wrapping tree bases with foil or barrier tape to prevent cicadas from climbing up and feeding on the plants.

Remember that cicadas play a vital role in the ecosystem as a food source for birds, moles, raccoons, and frogs. It is important to coexist with these insects during their emergence and allow nature to take its course.

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