Columbia University cancels main commencement ceremony in response to college protests

Pro-Palestinian Protests Disrupt University Commencements

MIT Encampment Protest

Pro-Palestinian protesters at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology broke through fencing to encircle tents, calling for an end to the violence in Gaza. The encampment was in protest of MIT’s ties to the Israeli Ministry of Defense. Read more here.

Columbia University’s Decision

Columbia University canceled its main commencement ceremony due to pro-Palestinian protests on campus. Students will have smaller, school-based celebrations instead. Learn more here.

Emory University’s Venue Change

Emory University moved its commencement ceremonies to an arena outside Atlanta due to safety concerns. The decision was made in consultation with security advisors. Find out more here.

University Protests Continue

Protests for Palestinian rights at universities have led to arrests and disruptions of events. Students are calling for divestment from companies supporting the conflict in Gaza. Get more details here.

Response from Universities

Universities are trying various tactics to address the protests, from amnesty offers to threats of disciplinary actions. Find out how different universities are handling the situation here.

Reported from Cambridge, Massachusetts by LeBlanc. Contributions by Jeff Amy in Atlanta and Christopher Weber in Los Angeles.

Read More of this Story at – 2024-05-07 01:06:00

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