Cronkite students aspire to establish a strong foothold in the fashion industry

The Chic Daily Magazine Covers LA Fashion Week

The students behind The Chic Daily, a fashion magazine operated by The Fashion Journalism Club at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, recently had the opportunity to cover LA Fashion Week. This experience was a significant milestone for the magazine, as they aim to emulate professional fashion industry publications and establish a presence at major fashion shows and trade events across the country.

Transformative Experience Inspires Future Fashion Journalists

Alexia Hill, president of The Chic Daily, expressed her hope that this transformative experience would inspire more individuals to join The Chic and delve into the world of fashion journalism. The magazine, both digital and physical, is produced by students who report on the latest fashion, beauty, and lifestyle news and trends.

Breaking Through Obstacles

The Chic Daily had always aspired to cover LA Fashion Week but faced obstacles in previous years. However, this year, they were able to overcome these challenges. One of their members worked at a Los Angeles hotel, which allowed them to secure a discount and make the trip financially feasible. Additionally, the new management of LA Fashion Week was more open to collaborating with smaller media outlets, recognizing the importance of extensive media coverage for the event.

Extensive Coverage and Networking Opportunities

During their attendance at LA Fashion Week, the students provided social media coverage, live reels, stories focusing on different designers, and event overviews within just two days. Their primary focus was to find out who the designers were in advance, which sometimes proved to be a challenge as not all shows promoted their lineups ahead of time. Despite this, they invested time researching and planning their social media content strategy to ensure they produced the desired content while at the event.

The students also had the opportunity to network and promote their magazine. They made connections with individuals interested in potential internships or job opportunities. The students were thrilled to see that the same publications they admire were also covering the event, validating their efforts to be timely and professional in their coverage.

Valuable Lessons and Future Aspirations

While they didn’t have the opportunity to interview any designers, they did have the chance to meet Sami Miro, owner of the Sami Miro Vintage collection, which was a surreal experience for them. Participating in LA Fashion Week provided valuable lessons and experiences for the students, such as effective time allocation for different tasks and content production.

Looking ahead, Alexia Hill’s ultimate goal is to turn The Chic’s trip to LA Fashion Week into an annual tradition. She also hopes to expand their horizons by covering other significant events, such as the official New York fashion shows. Hill believes that this dream has the potential to make a significant impact and is deeply committed to its realization.

Covering LA Fashion Week was a major achievement for The Chic Daily and its dedicated team of student journalists. With their commitment to professionalism and their passion for fashion journalism, they are well on their way to establishing themselves as a prominent presence in the fashion industry.

Original Story at – 2024-01-04 21:57:55

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