Forecast for Washington D.C. Area: Showers and Thunderstorms Expected Today, Followed by Several Gorgeous Days Ahead

Weather Update

Get ready for the day with our daily weather rating on a scale of 0 to 10.

5/10: Showers and storms are likely today, but relief is on the way.

  • Today: Expect mostly sunny skies early with scattered afternoon showers and storms. Highs in the mid-70s to near 80.
  • Tonight: A few evening showers possible with lows in the mid- to upper 50s.
  • Tomorrow: Enjoy mostly sunny and pleasant weather with low humidity and highs in the mid-70s.

Upcoming Weather

Get ready for a stretch of beautiful weather starting tomorrow through the weekend.

Today (Wednesday): Morning sun gives way to afternoon clouds. Expect scattered showers and thunderstorms in the mid- to late afternoon. No severe storms expected. Highs in the mid-70s to near 80.

Tonight: Showers could linger into the evening with clearing skies overnight. Lows in the mid- to upper 50s.

Tomorrow (Thursday): Mostly sunny with dry air and highs in the mid-70s. Confidence is high.

Tomorrow night: Mostly clear and cool with overnight lows in the upper 40s to mid-50s. Confidence is high.

Friday and Saturday: Expect dry, sunny weather with low humidity and highs in the mid-70s to near 80. Confidence is high.

Sunday: Partly sunny with a chance of showers in the afternoon or night. Confidence is medium.

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Read More of this Story at – 2024-05-29 12:00:00

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