In his inaugural address, Argentine President Milei cautions about an inevitable economic shock.

Argentina’s New President Takes Office with a Bold Plan for Economic Recovery

Argentina’s New President Takes Office with a Bold Plan for Economic Recovery

“There is no alternative to a shock adjustment,”

Argentina libertarian economist Javier Milei took office on Sunday, emphasizing his commitment to a sharp, painful fiscal shock to address the country’s worst economic crisis in decades, with inflation soaring towards 200%. Despite acknowledging that the economy would worsen in the short term, Milei’s supporters cheered as he delivered his maiden speech on the steps of Congress. “There is no money,” he declared.

Avoiding Catastrophe

Milei, a former TV pundit known for his expletive-ridden tirades, has taken over from Peronist leader Alberto Fernandez, whose government failed to rein in soaring prices. In his speech, Milei claimed that the outgoing government had set Argentina on the path to hyperinflation and that his administration would do everything possible to avoid such a catastrophe.

A Different Approach

While Milei provided few details in his speech, he stated that his key steps would involve a fiscal adjustment equivalent to 5% of the country’s GDP through cuts that would primarily affect the state rather than the private sector. This marked a departure from previous policies and signaled a major gamble for Argentina.

A Risky Gamble

Milei’s shock therapy economic plan of sharp spending cuts has been well-received by investors, who see it as a potential stabilizer for the embattled economy. However, critics argue that it could push more people into hardship, especially considering that over two-fifths of the population is already living in poverty. Nevertheless, voters who propelled Milei to victory in the November run-off have expressed their willingness to take a chance on his sometimes radical ideas, including shutting down the central bank and dollarizing the economy.

A Last Hope

For many, Milei represents the last hope for a country plagued by boom-bust economic crises. One supporter, 72-year-old doctor Marcelo Altamira, expressed his frustration with previous governments, describing them as “useless and inept.” He firmly believes that the outgoing Peronist government has “destroyed the country,” and sees Milei as the only viable option for change.

The Challenges Ahead

There are significant challenges that lie ahead for Argentina. The country’s net foreign currency reserves are estimated to be $10 billion in the red, annual inflation is at 143% and rising, a recession is looming, and capital controls are distorting the exchange rate. Argentina has experienced boom-bust cycles for decades, with inflation fueled by money printing to fund deficits. Recent years have seen a further deterioration as reserves have dwindled due to a major drought that hit key cash crops.

Fighting Inflation and Debt

Milei warned in his speech that if left unchecked, inflation could reach a staggering 15,000% annually. He pledged to “fight tooth and nail” to eradicate it and also highlighted the looming threat of a $100 billion debt. To address these issues, Argentina will need to revamp its $44 billion loan program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and navigate its relationships with important trade partners such as China and Brazil.

A New Direction

Milei’s administration will need to negotiate with rivals as his libertarian coalition only holds a small bloc in Congress. To ensure broader support, Milei has formed an alliance with the main conservative grouping. This strategic move has already had an impact, as he has moderated his tone and selected mainstream conservatives for his Cabinet. He has also refrained from mentioning dollarization in his speeches, a topic that generated significant attention during the campaign.

A Bold Decree

Shortly after taking office, Milei wasted no time in fulfilling one of his campaign promises. He announced on X that he had signed a decree to slash the number of ministries by half, from 18 to nine. This move symbolizes his commitment to streamlining the government and reducing bureaucratic inefficiencies.

A Moderate Approach

Contrary to his past comments, Milei’s new climate diplomat confirmed that Argentina will continue to participate in the Paris Agreement on climate change. This moderate stance has reassured both markets and voters. Many believe that Milei will ultimately focus on more coherent and pragmatic policies due to legal and congressional constraints. Some of his more radical social ideas, such as easing gun regulations and reopening the debate on abortion, are unlikely to come to fruition.

A Vision for Prosperity

To address the economic challenges, Milei has appointed mainstream figures to key positions. Luis Caputo will lead the economy ministry, supported by Santiago Bausili as the central bank chief. The duo is expected to present a detailed economic plan in the upcoming week, emphasizing spending reduction and fiscal deficit closure. Milei expressed his determination to restore Argentina’s greatness and proclaimed that his presidency marks the end of the populist night and the rebirth of a prosperous and liberal Argentina.

An International Audience

The swearing-in ceremony drew several prominent international figures, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and a U.S. delegation. Former Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro, Uruguay’s conservative leader Luis Lacalle Pou, and Chile’s leftist President Gabriel Boric were also in attendance. Notably absent were leftists Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil and Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Short-Term Challenges, Long-Term Gains

Milei acknowledged that the situation would worsen in the short term, but emphasized the necessity of making tough decisions to pave the way for future success. It remains to be seen how Milei’s economic plan will unfold, but Argentina is hopeful that his unconventional approach will lead to a much-needed revival of the economy.

Reporting by Nicolas Misculin and Miguel Lo Bianco; Additional reporting by Jorge Otaola, Walter Bianchi, and Candeleria Grimberg; Editing by Adam Jourdan, Shri Navaratnam, Marguerita Choy, and Nick Zieminski

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