Jesse Watters: five things to know about the rising Fox News star 

Jesse Watters, a longtime Fox News insider, has been announced as the replacement for Tucker Carlson in the network’s coveted 8 p.m. time slot. This move marks a new era for both Watters and the network. Watters, 44, began his career at Fox News as a production assistant in 2002 and has since held various roles at the network. He gained recognition as a correspondent for Bill O’Reilly’s prime time show and currently serves as a leading panelist on “The Five,” Fox’s most-watched program.

While Watters may lack the previous hosting experience that Carlson brought to Fox News, he has grown up with the network and has proven himself as a popular and influential figure. However, he will face the challenge of filling Carlson’s shoes and winning over viewers who were upset by the network’s decision to oust him. It remains to be seen if Watters can achieve the same level of credibility and influence as his predecessor.

Watters is expected to bring a different style of punditry to the hour. While Carlson was known for his biting and combative approach, Watters has adopted a more light-hearted and humorous tone. His “happy warrior” mantra sets him apart from other pundits on Fox’s roster. He aims to relate to his audience and appeal to their senses of humor rather than playing on their fears and political biases. While Watters will maintain a conservative-friendly stance, his style differs from Carlson’s.

Like Carlson, Watters has faced controversy during his career at Fox News. His comments about Dr. Anthony Fauci and the origins of the coronavirus sparked backlash, with Fauci calling for Watters to be fired. However, the network defended Watters and claimed his comments were taken out of context. Watters will likely face similar scrutiny from Fox’s critics, but it remains to be seen how he will respond to it.

A key question surrounding Watters is his allegiance to former President Donald Trump versus Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. As other top Fox News pundits decide which candidate to back in the GOP primary, Watters has shown signs of continued support for Trump. However, he is set to interview DeSantis on his 7 p.m. program, indicating that he remains open to both candidates. How Watters aligns himself in the primary race will be crucial in establishing his influence within the political right.

Fox News hopes that Watters can help retain viewership in the 8 p.m. time slot. The network experienced a dip in ratings after Carlson’s departure, and they want to maintain their status as the top-rated channel for political news and commentary. While Fox remains the most-watched network on cable, competition from other networks is fierce. Nielsen Media Research data shows that Fox narrowly beat MSNBC in prime time during June. With more viewers cutting cable and the 2024 election on the horizon, Fox believes that Watters can help them defend their position as the leading network in political news.

In conclusion, Jesse Watters’ appointment as the replacement for Tucker Carlson on Fox News marks a new era for both the host and the network. As a longtime insider, Watters has proven himself as a popular figure at Fox and is now being entrusted with the network’s most highly rated program. With a different style of punditry and potential controversy surrounding him, Watters will face scrutiny from critics and viewers alike. His allegiance to Trump versus DeSantis will also be closely watched as the 2024 election approaches. Fox News is betting on Watters to retain viewership and defend their position as the top-rated channel for political news and commentary.

Original Story at – 2023-06-28 21:32:00

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