Mother sheds 126 pounds in just over a year using the controversial Cambridge diet

### UK Mom Shares Weight Loss Journey After “Nightmare” Christmas

Verity Bambury, a 49-year-old mom from the UK, decided to prioritize her health after experiencing a challenging Christmas in 2020. With a sweet tooth, she found herself overindulging during the holiday season, leading her to make a vow to improve her well-being.

### Weight Loss Journey with the 1:1 Diet

Bambury embarked on a weight loss journey with the very low-calorie Cambridge diet, also known as the 1:1 diet. By replacing huge portions with three replacement meals or snack bars and one low-calorie, high-protein meal a day, she managed to shed an impressive 126 pounds in just 13 months.

### Transformation and New Opportunities

At her heaviest, Bambury weighed 299 pounds, making everyday activities like shopping a struggle. However, after losing the weight, she was able to secure a job assessing offshore oil rigs in the Irish Sea, thanks to her newfound ability to ride in helicopters.

### Challenges and Determination

Struggling with her weight for years, Bambury found the Christmas season to be particularly tough due to the abundance of tempting treats. However, she made a commitment to herself in January 2021 to make a lasting change, despite previous failed attempts at dieting.

### Controversy Surrounding the Cambridge Diet

While the Cambridge diet helped Bambury achieve rapid weight loss, nutrition experts have long raised concerns about its safety and sustainability. The diet, developed in the 1960s, relies on calorie-controlled products like shakes and soups, leading some to caution against attempting it without close medical supervision.

### Maintaining Progress and Inspiring Others

Even after more than two years, Bambury has successfully kept the weight off and now weighs around 175 pounds. She has embraced a healthier lifestyle, enjoying Christmas traditions with her son and even becoming a 1:1 diet consultant to inspire others on their weight loss journeys. By sharing her story through her brand one2oneVerity, she aims to motivate individuals struggling with their weight to make positive changes.

Original Story at – 2024-05-13 22:59:00

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