NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth reports the North Texas election results from Saturday, May 4

North Texas Election Results

Races in North Texas

Explore over 400 races held in North Texas during the May 4, 2024, general election by clicking on each race name to view the results.

Real-Time Updates

Stay informed with real-time updates on Election Day and beyond. Check back frequently for the latest race results, which are subject to change until 100% of precincts are confirmed.

County-Specific Results

To view races filtered by county, click on the following links for each specific county: Collin County, Dallas County, Denton County, Tarrant County.

Direct County Pages

If you can’t find the race you’re looking for, visit the county’s election page directly for the most recent results by clicking on the county links below:

Read More of this Story at www.nbcdfw.com – 2024-05-05 04:55:28

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