NPR: Virginia banquet by leading U.S. Muslim organization called off due to bomb and death threats

CAIR Moves Annual Banquet Amid Bomb Threats

CAIR Moves Annual Banquet Amid Bomb Threats

Security Concerns Prompted CAIR to Change Venue

A national Muslim civil rights group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), has made the decision to relocate its annual banquet due to bomb and death threats targeting the Virginia hotel where the event was originally scheduled to take place. The threats, potentially linked to the group’s advocacy for Palestinians affected by the Israel-Hamas conflict, prompted CAIR to move the banquet to an undisclosed location equipped with enhanced security measures.

Threats and Relocation

The Marriott Crystal Gateway in Arlington, Virginia, which has hosted the CAIR banquet for the past decade, became the target of anonymous bomb threats and threats against specific hotel staff. In response, CAIR canceled the event at this venue and decided to hold it elsewhere. The group’s announcement stated, “In recent days, according to the Marriott, anonymous callers have threatened to plant bombs … and storm the hotel in a repeat of the Jan. 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol if the events moved forward.”

Law Enforcement Investigation

Arlington police confirmed that they are investigating reports received from the Marriott regarding the bomb threats. The FBI is also involved in the investigation. However, no official statements from these agencies or the Marriott have been released as of yet.

Consolidation of Banquets

CAIR also announced the cancellation of a separate banquet planned for Maryland on October 28. This event will now be merged with the relocated banquet. By consolidating the banquets, CAIR aims to ensure the safety and security of attendees while effectively addressing the threats it has faced.

Focus on Human Rights

The threats against CAIR coincide with the group’s decision to update its banquet programming to focus on human rights issues concerning Palestinians. In response to the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, CAIR has launched an online campaign urging members of Congress to promote a ceasefire in Gaza. The organization remains steadfast in its commitment to justice and the protection of Palestinian rights.

Context of Conflict

The recent violence between Hamas militants from Gaza and Israel has caused numerous civilian casualties, intensifying concerns within the United States. While there have been fears of potential spillover violence, law enforcement officials have emphasized the absence of credible threats in the country. Nevertheless, precautionary measures such as increased police patrols and heightened security have been implemented in major cities, including the fencing around the U.S. Capitol.

Read More of this Story at – 2023-10-20 06:07:18

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