One Major Mystery Remains Unsolved: Hundreds of Convictions, 3 Years After the Capitol Riot.

Update on Jan 6 Riot Prosecutions

Update on Jan 6 Riot Prosecutions

The Largest Criminal Investigation in American History

Since the shocking U.S. Capitol attack on January 6, 2021, hundreds of people have been convicted in the massive prosecution of the riot. The hunt for suspects is far from over, with authorities still working to identify more than 80 individuals wanted for acts of violence at the Capitol. Washington’s federal courthouse continues to be flooded with trials, plea hearings, and sentencings as the cases play out.

By the Numbers

More than 1,230 people have been charged with federal crimes in the riot, ranging from misdemeanors like trespassing to felonies like assaulting police officers and seditious conspiracy. Approximately 730 people have pleaded guilty to charges, while roughly 170 have been convicted at trial. Only two defendants have been acquitted of all charges. About 750 people have been sentenced, with almost two-thirds receiving prison time.

All Eyes on the Supreme Court

A case that will soon be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court could impact hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants. The justices will review a rioter’s challenge to prosecutors’ use of the charge of obstruction of an official proceeding, which refers to the disruption of Congress’ certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential election victory over Trump. The outcome of this case will have significant implications for the ongoing prosecutions.

Rioters on the Lam

Dozens of individuals who assaulted law enforcement during the riot have yet to be identified, and there is a five-year statute of limitations for these crimes. Some defendants have fled after being charged, including a Proud Boys member who disappeared while on house arrest. The FBI is still searching for several defendants who have been on the run for months. Rewards have been offered for information leading to their arrest.

The Pipe Bomber Mystery

One of the biggest remaining mysteries surrounding the riot is the identity of the person who placed two pipe bombs outside the offices of the Republican and Democratic national committees. Authorities have increased the reward for information leading to the person’s arrest. Investigators have spent thousands of hours combing through evidence and tips, but the identity of the bomber remains unknown.

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