Pennsylvania Capital-Star reveals unsealed court filing: U.S. Rep. Scott Perry contacted lawmakers from PA before Jan. 6 attack

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Investigation Reveals Conversations Between Congressman Perry and Pennsylvania Lawmakers


A recently unsealed court filing has shed light on conversations held between U.S. Representative Scott Perry from Pennsylvania’s 10th District and state legislators. The discussions centered around alleged fraud in the state’s 2020 election, as investigations into efforts to overturn President Joe Biden’s victory continue.

Details of the Court Filing

The document, which stems from a lower court decision regarding records seized from Perry’s personal cell phone after the attempted January 6, 2021, insurrection, reveals the extent of these conversations. The court had to determine which records were protected by legislative speech and debate exceptions.

Key Players

Among the over 2,000 records granted access to Special Prosecutor Jack Smith by U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell, were exchanges between Perry and various Pennsylvania lawmakers. These lawmakers include Representatives Mike Jones, Dawn Keefer, Seth Grove, and Senators Cris Dush, Kristin Phillips-Hill, and Doug Mastriano, all of whom had signed a letter urging the rejection of electors appointed by the state’s Governor at that time, Tom Wolf.

Topics Discussed

The conversations revolved around plans for a legislative audit of the election, including the preservation and evaluation of voting machine data. Additionally, they discussed strategies for requesting an audit of the election results from Governor Wolf and Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar. Perry also facilitated connections between lawmakers and members of former President Donald Trump‘s campaign and legal team. These connections involved a whistleblower who claimed to possess information about voter fraud and a proposed legislative hearing with representatives of Dominion Voting Systems, the provider of electronic voting machines for several Pennsylvania counties.

Relevance to Perry’s Role

In her opinion, Judge Howell noted that Perry’s communications with Trump campaign staff and Pennsylvania state legislators showcased his efforts to encourage action against perceived election fraud. These efforts, however, were not directly related to his role as a legislator.

Resolution and Letters

The filings also referenced a resolution introduced in the Pennsylvania House, disputing the state election results, as well as a letter to then-Vice President Mike Pence from members of the General Assembly, urging him to assess the validity of the electors and electoral votes representing Pennsylvania.

No Specific Attribution

The court filing does not specify which lawmakers were involved in each exchange. Requests for comments from Republican leaders in the House and Senate remained unanswered at the time of reporting.

Additional Contacts

Perry’s communications extended beyond lawmakers to include conservative attorney and Trump advisor Julie Strauss Levin. These contacts explored whistleblower protection for an individual within the Pennsylvania Department of State.

Perry’s Status

While the investigation has led to an indictment against former President Donald Trump, Representative Scott Perry has not faced charges related to the matter.

Perry’s Involvement in the January 6 Committee

Perry’s involvement in the appointment of Jeffrey Clark as acting attorney general, as part of a plan to overturn the election results, led to a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 Committee. Although Perry refused to testify, the committee determined that he had attempted to aid Trump’s efforts to undermine the election.

Text Exchange between Perry and Clark

The unsealed court filing includes a text exchange between Perry and Clark. Perry expressed that former President Trump seemed pleased with Clark, to which Clark responded with nervousness and self-reflection. Perry reassured Clark, highlighting his belief that everything happens for a reason.

Unintentional Public Release

The Circuit Court accidentally made the opinion and related documents public due to their removal from the public docket after a few hours. The documents became accessible following a request from the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

Read More of this Story at – 2023-11-30 23:20:03

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