Publisher Sues Meadows for Making False Election Fraud Claims in Book

Title: Publisher Demands Refund from Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Over Contradictory Testimony

A publishing company that released a book written by former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is now seeking a refund, claiming that his recent testimony contradicts what he wrote in his book. All Seasons Press (ASP) has filed a lawsuit, demanding the return of the $350,000 advance, $600,000 in expenses, and additional compensation for reputational damage caused by Meadows’ alleged breach of contract.

The Big Lie and its Consequences:
In the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, numerous individuals and companies sought to capitalize on the baseless claims that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. While some have escaped consequences, others are now facing the fallout of their actions. Former President Trump and the GOP collected nearly $300 million from supporters under the guise of “stopping the steal,” but used less than 5 percent of that money for litigation purposes. Fox News, in an attempt to retain viewership, spread disinformation and conspiracy theories, leading to a billion-dollar settlement with Dominion Voting Systems. Now, former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows finds himself embroiled in controversy.

Meadows’ Book and Testimony Discrepancy:
Having capitalized on his time in the Trump administration, Meadows authored a book titled “The Chief’s Chief,” which heavily focuses on the election and claims that Trump was robbed. However, according to ABC News’ sources familiar with Meadows’ testimony, he allegedly told prosecutors under oath that he repeatedly informed Trump about the baselessness of his election fraud claims. This contradiction between Meadows’ book and his reported testimony forms the basis for ASP’s breach of contract claim.

ASP’s Lawsuit and Demands:
All Seasons Press argues that Meadows violated his contract with the publishing company by making false statements in his book. The lawsuit, filed in Florida, contends that Meadows’ testimony directly contradicts the claims he made in his work, causing significant monetary and reputational damage to ASP. The company is seeking the return of the $350,000 advance, $600,000 in expenses, at least $1 million in anticipated loss of profit, and an additional $1 million for the damage inflicted upon the company’s reputation.

The publishing company, All Seasons Press, is taking legal action against former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, alleging a breach of contract due to contradictory testimony he provided to prosecutors. Meadows’ book, which supports Trump’s claims of election fraud, reportedly conflicts with his under-oath statements that the allegations were baseless. As ASP seeks a refund of the advance payment, reimbursement for expenses, and compensation for reputational damage, this case sheds light on the consequences faced by those who sought to benefit from the unfounded “Big Lie” about the 2020 election.

Original Story at – 2023-11-04 00:23:56

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