Retired NYPD officer’s 10-year sentence for Capitol riot upheld by appeals court

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Conviction of Retired NYPD Officer in Capitol Riot Assault Case

A retired New York Police Department officer’s conviction and 10-year prison sentence for assaulting a police officer during the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol siege was upheld by a federal appeals court.

Rejected Claims of Bias

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected Thomas Webster’s claims of bias, stating that the jury pool in Washington, D.C., had no preconceived notions about him.

Assault Conviction Upheld

Jurors dismissed Webster’s self-defense claim and convicted him on all six counts, including assaulting an officer with a flagpole during the Capitol riot.

Capitol Riot Participation

Webster, a 20-year NYPD veteran, traveled from New York to attend former President Donald Trump‘s rally in Washington on January 6, where he participated in storming the Capitol building.

Appeal Decision

The appellate court panel refuted Webster’s argument that the jury pool’s political inclinations in Washington affected his case, emphasizing the individual’s ability to serve impartially in criminal adjudication.

Long Prison Sentence

Webster received one of the lengthiest sentences among Capitol riot cases, being the first defendant to be tried on an assault charge and to present a self-defense argument.

Comparative Sentencing

Out of over 850 Capitol riot convictions, only 10 defendants have received longer prison terms than Webster, according to court records reviewed by the Associated Press.

Rejection of Sentence Disparity

Webster’s argument that his sentence was substantially unreasonable compared to other riot defendants was dismissed by the court panel.

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