Rioter on Jan. 6 apologizes to Dauphin County school for tarnishing its reputation

Capitol Rioter Leo Brent Bozell, IV, Receives Nearly Four Years in Prison

A Palmyra man, Leo Brent Bozell, IV, was sentenced to nearly four years in prison for his involvement in the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021. Bozell charged up the capitol steps with other rioters, broke windows to gain entry to the building, and remained inside for an hour.

Bozell’s Apologies and Acknowledgments

During his sentencing hearing, Bozell apologized for the “stain” he brought upon his family and his daughter’s school, the Hershey Christian Academy. He expressed regret for his actions and offered apologies to his family, the residents of the District of Columbia, and the Hershey Christian Academy.

Remorse and Reflection

Bozell’s comments during the sentencing hearing were a stark contrast to his initial statements after the riots. He took responsibility for his actions, acknowledging the negative impact on his family and the community. Bozell expressed remorse for his participation in the riots and apologized to law enforcement for his behavior.

Legal Consequences and Sentencing

Prosecuting attorney Ashley Akers noted the delayed remorse exhibited by Bozell during the sentencing hearing. Bozell was sentenced to 45 months in federal prison in Loretto, Cambria County, followed by two years of supervised release. District Judge John Bates emphasized the seriousness of the events on January 6, 2021, calling it a “very dark day” that threatened the core values of the government.

Factors Behind Bozell’s Participation

Bates highlighted the various offenses Bozell was found guilty of during a September bench trial related to his conduct at the U.S. Capitol Building. Bozell’s active involvement in pushing Capitol Police and breaking into the building played a significant role in the events of that day. Despite his claims of standing up for the country, freedom, and children, Bozell’s actions were deemed unlawful and detrimental to the democratic process.

Bozell’s Legal Representation and Prosecution

Bozell’s lawyer, Eric Snyder, emphasized that while Bozell’s actions were condemnable, they did not amount to terrorism. Snyder, a former prosecutor of terrorism cases, argued against applying the terrorism enhancement in Bozell’s case. The court ultimately ruled that Bozell’s actions were intended to obstruct the certification of the 2020 Presidential Election and affect government functions.

Restitution and Sentencing Outcome

In addition to the prison sentence, Bozell was ordered to pay $4,729 in restitution for damages caused during the riots. The court held Bozell accountable for various offenses, including obstruction of an official proceeding, destruction of government property, civil disorder, and assault on Capitol Police. Bozell’s actions on January 6, 2021, were deemed serious and deserving of legal consequences.

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