Subsidies alone are insufficient for establishing a green economy

Reimagining Climate-Friendly Policies for a Greener Future

Reimagining Climate-Friendly Policies for a Greener Future

Innovative Strategies for a Sustainable World


In recent years, policymakers have sought effective ways to implement climate-friendly policies without compromising on political trade-offs. One such strategy, influenced by the US President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, involves the use of massive subsidies. While mainstream economists have criticized this approach, it has shown promise in overcoming political obstacles and aligning industrial interests, security concerns, and environmental priorities. However, limitations have emerged, necessitating a revised doctrine for a sustainable future.

The Changing Landscape of Climate Policies

Financial conditions have evolved, and the need for additional fiscal scrutiny to accommodate green investments has become apparent. Moreover, relying solely on subsidies cannot achieve climate targets, as it may lead to increased clean energy usage without reducing fossil fuel consumption. Politically, green industries alone may not generate enough support to counter public backlash against restrictions. These challenges call for a reformed approach to climate policies.

Reforming Fiscal Policy

In an era of monetary tightening, it is crucial to differentiate public debt related to climate policies. France has taken steps to do this at the local level, and similar progress is needed at the national and European levels. This could involve additional European Union investments or amendments to fiscal rules. To generate additional resources, reducing ‘brown’ subsidies and increasing contributions from the maritime and air transport sectors through international coordination are potential measures. By publicly committing to a long-term strategy for climate investments, governments can influence the decisions of private companies and households and facilitate cross-border coordination of fiscal and industrial policies.

Achieving Climate Objectives through Environmental Planning

Annual budgets lack the necessary visibility for climate objectives. France has introduced environmental planning as a new approach to reconcile climate goals, economic sustainability, and political support. This strategy involves meticulously mapping out all the necessary actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. Feasible solutions already exist in areas like housing renovations, electric cars, and industrial decarbonization, primarily requiring scaling up or incremental improvements. Clean electricity production will be boosted with nuclear and renewables, while energy efficiency will play a significant role.

A Combination of Instruments

Achieving climate goals requires a combination of instruments. In the housing sector, the French government has provided subsidies for insulation in poor and middle-class households and introduced a ban on rental properties needing renovations. Ambitious industrial policy targets, particularly for domestic heat pump production, have also been set. However, there is still a long way to go to achieve a greener economy.

Crucial Factors for Success

The coming year will be a crucial test for many Western countries in addressing escalating political tensions over environmental issues. To prevent opposition to climate policies and encourage the adoption of clean solutions, several factors must be considered.

Clear Commitments and Public Engagement

Clear commitments are essential to alleviate concerns and promote the uptake of clean solutions like electric vehicles. Governments should provide estimated prices for electric vehicles, considering current prices of petrol- and diesel-powered cars. Public engagement plays a central role in planning for the phaseout of fossil-fuel vehicles, including retraining automobile workers and supporting small businesses. Geographic differentiation and urban planning are also crucial in reducing long commutes and dependence on cheap fuel.

Striving for Fairness

To counter the populist narrative, it is important for the super-rich to contribute more to climate initiatives. The EU could lead by example, announcing plans to regulate the private-jet industry and hasten its clean-energy transformation. These actions are part of the broader reinvention needed to move away from carbon taxes and subsidies and towards a more politically driven approach to climate policies.


The reimagination of climate-friendly policies is crucial for a greener future. By addressing the limitations of current approaches and embracing innovative strategies, we can pave the way for a sustainable world. It is time to enter the age of politics in climate policymaking.

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