The Inaugural Cargo Ship to Navigate Baltimore’s Newly Opened Channel

First Cargo Ship Passes Through Newly Opened Deep-Water Channel in Baltimore

The maritime traffic through Baltimore’s port was halted for weeks due to the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The Balsa 94, a bulk carrier, was the first to pass through the new 35-foot channel, heading for St. John, Canada. Two more commercial ships followed suit, including a vehicle carrier en route to Panama.

Recovery Efforts and Economic Impact

The ongoing cleanup and recovery efforts in Baltimore’s harbor have allowed five stranded vessels to leave through the temporary channel. The closure of the port due to the collapse has impacted thousands of workers and small business owners, prompting officials to prioritize reopening the port to mitigate the economic effects.

Memorial for the Victims and Closure of the New Channel

The collapse resulted in the tragic loss of six immigrant workers, with four bodies recovered and two still missing. A memorial near the bridge honors the victims, showcasing their personal items and messages from loved ones. The new channel is set to close temporarily for further cleanup after the Balsa 94’s journey to Canada.

Legal Actions and Investigations

Baltimore’s mayor and city council filed a court petition holding the owner and manager of the Dali fully liable for the bridge collapse. The FBI and National Transportation Safety Board are conducting investigations to determine the cause of the incident. The port’s reopening is anticipated next month after the removal of the Dali from the collapse site.

Read More of this Story at – 2024-04-25 19:48:00

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