Trump’s escalating violent rhetoric is straight out of the autocrat’s playbook | Margaret Sullivan

Title: Trump’s Violent Rhetoric: A Disturbing Pattern of Authoritarianism

Twice in the past two weeks, former President Donald Trump has made alarming suggestions about violent consequences for those who oppose him. In one instance, he claimed that outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, deserved to be executed for his backchannel communications with Chinese military leaders. Trump also publicly attacked New York Attorney General Letitia James, going so far as to call for action against her. While Trump stops short of explicitly advocating for violence, legal experts argue that his words may have crossed the line into criminality.

Lawrence Tribe, an emeritus professor at Harvard Law School, argues that while Trump has a right to express his views on anyone, he does not have the right to incite violence. Tribe contends that Trump’s statement about going after the attorney general constitutes a criminal threat. However, many people have become desensitized to Trump’s reckless behavior and irresponsible rhetoric, dismissing his words as just another example of his divisive style.

Unfortunately, Trump’s violent rhetoric resonates with his devoted followers, as seen during the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. To them, Trump’s words are gospel. One Iowa supporter, when asked about Milley, echoed Trump’s sentiment and proclaimed that treason should be punished by death. It is crucial for the rest of us to recognize this rhetoric for what it is – a tool used by a political leader to pave the way for an authoritarian regime.

According to Ruth Ben-Ghiat, an expert on authoritarianism, this type of rhetoric is part of a playbook used by would-be autocrats. By painting a picture of a failing democracy plagued by crime and anarchy, they create an appetite for a strongman who promises to restore control. Ben-Ghiat notes that Trump, like past strongmen, uses his rallies to train his followers to view violence positively.

As Trump ramps up his 2024 presidential campaign and faces multiple legal challenges, his violent talk is escalating. In a recent speech in California, he promised to crack down on crime, including shooting shoplifters. Trump’s supporters cheered him on, showing their approval for such extreme measures.

Fox News and other right-wing media outlets continue to amplify Trump’s messaging. Their headlines often frame his aggression as a fight against corruption and fraud. However, it is essential for reasonable citizens and the reality-based press to understand the true implications of this violent rhetoric.

The goal behind Trump’s words is to undermine American democracy and pave the way for an authoritarian regime. While his loyal followers and some media outlets may be a lost cause, it is crucial for the rest of us to remain vigilant and reject the normalization of such dangerous rhetoric. The future of our democracy depends on recognizing and challenging these threats to our democratic values.

Original Story at – 2023-10-04 11:09:00

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