Tucker Carlson to launch paid streaming service after Fox News exit

Header: Controversial Website Promotes Interviews with Politicians and Media Personalities Accused of Wrongdoings

In an unexpected turn of events, Mr Carlson, a well-known figure in the media industry, has directed potential subscribers to his website, which has raised eyebrows due to its promotion of interviews with politicians and media personalities accused of various wrongdoings. The website features interviews with notable figures such as former President Donald Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has been accused of overseeing democratic backsliding in his home country. Additionally, it includes interviews with right-wing media personalities Andrew and Tristan Tate, who are facing charges of rape and human trafficking by Romanian authorities.

Promotion of Politicians Accused of Democratic Backsliding:

One of the focal points of Mr Carlson’s website is the promotion of interviews with politicians accused of democratic backsliding. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, in particular, has been at the center of controversy for allegedly eroding democratic institutions and stifling press freedom in Hungary. Critics argue that by featuring an interview with Orban, the website appears to be endorsing his actions, which have drawn criticism from the international community.

Controversial Media Personalities on Display:

In a surprising move, Mr Carlson’s website also showcases interviews with media personalities who have been charged with serious crimes. Andrew and Tristan Tate, known for their right-wing views, are currently facing charges of rape and human trafficking by Romanian authorities. By featuring these interviews, the website seems to be giving a platform to individuals accused of heinous acts, raising ethical concerns and drawing attention from the public.

Public Reaction and Ethical Concerns:

The promotion of interviews with politicians accused of democratic backsliding and media personalities facing serious criminal charges has sparked a wave of criticism and ethical concerns. Many argue that providing a platform to such individuals legitimizes their actions and undermines the pursuit of justice. Critics question the motives behind Mr Carlson’s decision to feature these controversial figures on his website, suggesting that it may be driven by sensationalism and a desire for increased viewership rather than a commitment to responsible journalism.


Mr Carlson’s website, which promotes interviews with politicians and media personalities accused of wrongdoing, has ignited a firestorm of controversy. By featuring interviews with figures like Viktor Orban and Andrew and Tristan Tate, the website has drawn criticism for seemingly endorsing actions that undermine democratic principles and for giving a platform to individuals facing serious criminal charges. As public debate and ethical concerns surrounding the website continue to grow, it remains to be seen how Mr Carlson will respond to the backlash and whether he will address the questions surrounding his decision to feature these controversial figures.

Original Story at www.bbc.co.uk – 2023-12-11 18:53:02

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