Ferdinand Marcos Jr, President of the Philippines, cautions China against engaging in ‘acts of war’

Philippine President’s Warning to China

If any Filipino died as a result of China’s actions in the South China Sea, the Philippines would consider it as close to an act of war and respond accordingly, warned President Ferdinand Marcos Jr at a security forum in Singapore. He emphasized the importance of Washington’s focus on the region, highlighting the US’s commitment to security in Asia.

Escalating Dispute in South China Sea

The dispute between China and the Philippines has intensified in recent months, with Manila expressing concern over aggressive clashes involving Chinese patrol ships firing water cannon at Philippine vessels. Beijing has defended its actions as protection of sovereignty, while fears mount over potential conflict between China and the US.

US Support and Commitment

The US reiterated its commitment to its allies in the region, including the Philippines, with a treaty binding them to come to the South East Asian nation’s defense in case of an attack. Efforts to strengthen alliances have been ongoing, with the US actively engaging in dialogues and promoting freedom of navigation in the region.

Tensions and Responses

Both Chinese and US military representatives have expressed concerns and objections regarding each other’s actions. The US has been involved in bolstering the Philippines’ military capabilities through various means, while China has urged South East Asian countries to resolve conflicts through dialogue rather than confrontation.

Efforts for Communication and Stability

Despite rising tensions, the US and China have shown willingness to improve communications to prevent conflicts. Meetings between military officials from both sides have led to discussions on resuming telephone conversations between commanders and establishing crisis communications protocols to enhance stability in the region.

Read More of this Story at www.bbc.com – 2024-06-01 07:16:23

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