John Banuelos faces charges for firing a gun during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

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Man Arrested for Firing Pistol at Capitol Riot Faces Charges

A Chicago-area man was arrested for firing a pistol at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021

A man from the Chicago area has been taken into custody for allegedly discharging a firearm into the air during the events at the Capitol’s west plaza on January 6, 2021. The suspect, John E. Banuelos, was identified and apprehended based on a tip received by the FBI. This incident is part of a series of arrests related to the events that unfolded that day.

Incident Involving Firearms

It has been revealed that Banuelos is among the followers of Donald Trump who are suspected of carrying weapons during the Capitol riot. Despite claims by some supporters that the protest was nonviolent, multiple individuals have already been convicted of possessing firearms at the scene. Banuelos’s case adds to the growing list of individuals facing charges for their actions on that day.

Arrest Warrant and Criminal History

Although Banuelos was identified in February 2021, he eluded authorities until he was involved in a separate incident in July of the same year. He was reportedly living in his mother’s basement at the time. Subsequent investigations into his background revealed a history of arrests and convictions, including charges related to domestic assault.

Allegations and Statements

During questioning regarding a separate incident, Banuelos admitted to being present at the Capitol riot. He allegedly made statements indicating his involvement in the events of that day, leading to his arrest on charges related to the incident. Further investigations uncovered additional evidence linking him to the scene.

Legal Proceedings and Detention

Following his arrest, Banuelos faced a series of legal proceedings, including a hearing where his detention was deemed necessary. The judge overseeing the case emphasized the severity of his actions, highlighting the potential dangers posed by his behavior. Banuelos is expected to be transported to Washington for further legal proceedings.

Continued FBI Investigations

The FBI continues to make arrests in connection with the Capitol riot, with new suspects being identified and apprehended. Banuelos is just one of many individuals facing charges for their involvement in the events of January 6. The investigation into the incident is ongoing, with more arrests expected in the future.


In conclusion, the arrest of John E. Banuelos sheds light on the ongoing efforts to hold individuals accountable for their actions during the Capitol riot. The legal proceedings against him serve as a reminder of the consequences of participating in unlawful activities. As the investigation continues, more individuals may face charges related to the events of that day.

Read More of this Story at – 2024-03-14 23:29:54

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