Locating Brood XIX and Brood XIII in the United States

2024 Cicada Emergence

Welcome to the 2024 Cicada Emergence!

Broods XIX and XIII Emergence

Brood XIX and Brood XIII

If you’re in one of the 17 states across the Midwest and Southeast of the United States, you might be hearing the trillions of periodical cicadas emerging after years spent underground. Brood XIX, with a 13-year cycle, is mainly located in the Southeast, while Brood XIII, with a 17-year cycle, is in the Midwest. This year, both broods are emerging simultaneously, a rare event that last occurred in 1803.

Emergence Timeline

The cicadas emerge when the soil eight inches underground reaches 64 degrees. They are expected to start emerging in April and May and continue through late June in various states across the South and Midwest. The last time Broods XIX and XIII emerged together was in 1803, during Thomas Jefferson’s presidency.

Location of Emergence

Brood XIX is currently emerging in states such as Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. On the other hand, Brood XIII has started to emerge in Wisconsin, the Chicago area, and near Peoria, Illinois.

Cicada Lifespan

Life Cycle Explanation

The lifespan of cicadas depends on their brood and whether they are annual or periodical species. Brood XIX cicadas have a 13-year life cycle, while Brood XIII cicadas have a 17-year life cycle. Once they mate and lay eggs, the cicadas will die after spending a few weeks above ground, typically between three to six weeks after their initial emergence.

Annual Cicadas

Annual cicadas, with a shorter lifespan, remain underground for two to five years before emerging as adults. These cicadas are referred to as “annual” because some members of the species emerge as adults each year.

Brood Definition

Understanding Broods

A brood consists of all periodical cicadas of the same life cycle type that emerge in a particular year. These broods are made up of different species of cicadas with separate evolutionary histories who come together due to their common region and emergence schedule.

Why Cicadas Make Noise?

Musical Male Cicadas

The loud buzzing noise you hear is primarily produced by male cicadas. They synchronize their calls to establish territory and attract females. The sheer number of periodical cicadas that emerge at once contributes to the intensity of the noise they create.

Learn more about cicadas and their unique emergence patterns on Cicada Safari.

Read More of this Story at www.usatoday.com – 2024-05-23 11:11:36

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