Why Weight Loss Challenges During This Time of Year are Bound to Fail, According to Renowned Fitness Influencer Steph Claire Smith

Popular Fitness Influencer Explains Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail

In a recent episode of her Keep it Cleaner podcast, popular fitness influencer Steph Claire Smith shared her insights on why New Year’s resolutions centered around weight loss and exercise often fail. According to Smith, less than 10 percent of people succeed in sticking to their resolutions. She emphasized that setting unrealistic goals is a major reason for this high failure rate.

Smith highlighted the importance of specificity and introspection when setting resolutions. Rather than vague goals like “stop eating junk food” or “exercise more,” she suggested breaking them down into small and manageable steps. By doing so, individuals can increase their chances of success.

“A lot of these challenges are built on a mindset of achieving more. It’s about setting habits that you can sustain,” Smith explained. She cautioned against extreme challenges that are not sustainable in the long term. For example, she mentioned a fitness challenge that required participants to do two workouts a day for eight weeks. Not only is this unrealistic for most people, but it can also be detrimental to their health.

Smith encouraged individuals to be kinder to themselves and allow for flexibility when pursuing their resolutions, particularly when it comes to weight loss. She emphasized that progress should be measured by small steps taken each week, rather than drastic changes overnight.

In addition to discussing resolutions, Smith recently revealed an unexpected benefit of cutting off her long hair into a bob. She shared that the change in her appearance has positively impacted her sex life with her husband, Josh Miller. Smith stated that she “feels a little bit different” with her new look, contributing to an improved intimate experience.

Steph Claire Smith is widely known as the face of her multimillion-dollar fitness empire, Keep It Cleaner. She married Josh Miller in 2019, and they welcomed their son, Harvey, in 2021.

As the new year begins, it’s essential to approach resolutions with a realistic mindset. By setting specific and manageable goals, individuals can increase their chances of long-term success. Remembering to be kind to oneself and allowing for flexibility along the way is crucial. With these strategies in mind, individuals can work towards achieving their resolutions and ultimately lead healthier and happier lives.

Original Story at www.dailymail.co.uk – 2024-01-11 00:42:00

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