Are Picky Eaters’ Taste Buds Stronger or Weaker?

The Science Behind Your Sense of Taste

Genetics and Nurture Shape Your Taste Preferences

Have you ever wondered why some people think cilantro tastes like soap? Or why some individuals have a legendary sweet tooth? It turns out that a person’s sense of taste is heavily influenced by their genetic makeup. While nurture also plays a role, the foods that a person was exposed to as a child can greatly impact their flavor preferences into adulthood. However, it’s important to note that your intrinsic sense of taste is not something you have much control over.

The Role of Memories and Social Pressure

In addition to genetics and nurture, certain tastes are associated with memories stored in the brain. For example, if cookies or other comfort foods remind you of warm holiday parties with family, they are likely to deliver double the pleasure when you eat them. The psychological aspect of social pressure also comes into play when it comes to selective eating. If a person, whether a child or an adult, feels unwelcome pressure to eat and enjoy a certain food, they are more likely to dislike it even more.

Patience is Key for Picky Eaters

If you’re one of those aspiring reformed picky eaters, it’s important to approach your journey with patience. It takes time for your taste buds to adjust to new flavors. In fact, research suggests that it can take between 10 and 15 times of eating a “new” food before your taste buds no longer register it as unfamiliar or unwelcome. So, remember that adjusting to new tastes is a marathon, not a sprint.


Understanding the science behind your sense of taste can help you make sense of your unique flavor preferences. While genetics and nurture play a significant role, memories and social pressure also impact how we perceive different tastes. If you’re looking to expand your palate, it’s important to approach new foods with patience and give your taste buds time to adjust. So, the next time you encounter a food that tastes unfamiliar or unpleasant, remember that it might just be a matter of giving it a few more tries before your taste buds fully embrace it.

Original Story at – 2024-01-01 21:30:16

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