Capitol Police Officers Honored in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania but Insulted by Republican Lawmakers

Retired Capitol Police Officers Recognized in Harrisburg

Capitol Police Officers Honored at Pennsylvania State House

Retired U.S. Capitol police officers Harry Dunn and Aquilino Gonell recently made a visit to Harrisburg for a planned Biden/Harris campaign event. During their time at the State House, Pennsylvania Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton introduced them to the chamber, a customary practice for visiting individuals or groups.

Routine Acknowledgement

Nicole Reigelman, Press Secretary in the Office of the Speaker of the House, explained that recognizing guests in the chamber is a routine occurrence. The State House welcomes various guests every session day, including school groups, veterans, foreign dignitaries, and law enforcement officers.

Unusual Reception

However, the reception Dunn and Gonell received was far from routine. Bucks County State Representative Tim Brennan described the unsettling response from one side of the aisle during the recognition, highlighting the lack of welcome they experienced.

January 6th Insurrection

Both officers had been on duty during the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, where they faced physical and verbal assaults along with racist taunts. The disrespectful behavior displayed towards Dunn and Gonell in the State House mirrored the challenges they had faced during the traumatic event.

Lack of Decorum

Madeline Zann, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania House Democratic Campaign Committee (PA HDCC), expressed disappointment at the lack of decorum shown towards the visiting law enforcement veterans. The display of disrespect and hostility during their acknowledgment in the chamber was met with disapproval.

Call for Civility

Various officials, including Bucks County NAACP President Karen Downer and Representative Brian Monroe, emphasized the importance of civility and respect in political discourse. They underscored that regardless of political differences, all individuals deserve to be treated with dignity and courtesy.

Erosion of Respect

Despite being a place of legislative debate, the Pennsylvania legislature needs to maintain a level of respect and decorum during all proceedings. The hissing and jeering directed at Dunn and Gonell highlighted a concerning erosion of respect within the chamber.

Civil Discourse for Progress

Representative Brennan emphasized that civility is essential for meaningful dialogue and progress in governance. The lack of civility displayed towards the former officers was a hindrance to constructive discussions and problem-solving within the legislative body.

Speaker’s Condemnation

Speaker McClinton voiced her outrage at the disrespectful behavior exhibited by some GOP members towards Dunn and Gonell. She condemned the lack of patriotism and decency displayed by those who walked off the House floor during the recognition, highlighting the need for mutual respect and professionalism in political interactions.

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