Forecast for the D.C. area: Mild weather expected today, heavy rain moving in late tonight through Saturday

Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast

Flood Watch Alert

Flood watch in effect from late Friday night through Saturday afternoon.

Weather Rating

A somewhat subjective rating of the day’s weather, on a scale of 0 to 10.

7/10: Mostly bright until late day when breezes perk up a bit and clouds increase. Rain should hold off until after dark so try to enjoy outside time with near-average highs.

Today’s Forecast

  • Today: Bright despite slowly increasing clouds. Highs: 53-58.
  • Tonight: Showers early to downpours later. Lows: 40s.
  • Tomorrow: Morning rain, breezy afternoon and night. Highs: 50s.
  • Sunday: Sunny, breezy. Highs: Low to mid-50s.

Weather Details

Despite slowly increasing breezes and clouds late today, it’s fairly bright with average mildness for this time of year. Any smoke from local wildfires should behave today with few haze issues currently expected. One to 3 inches of rain is possible tonight and tomorrow, less to the west and more expected to the east of town.

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Today’s Details

Today (Friday): Mainly sunny and bright with clouds slowly increasing and breezes picking up a little. Temperatures reaching mid-to-upper 50s. Confidence: Medium-High

Tonight’s Forecast

Tonight: Early evening may be dry, but rain expected later. Steadier rain developing after dark with potential for heavy downpours and a flood watch in effect. Drive with caution. Temperatures around 45. Confidence: Medium-High

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Tomorrow’s Outlook

Tomorrow (Saturday): Patchy fog possible. Heavy rain in the morning, easing in the afternoon. Chance of thunder. Urban and poor drainage areas at risk for flooding. Winds increasing. Temperatures near 55. Confidence: Medium-High

Tomorrow Night’s Forecast

Tomorrow night: Evening showers tapering off. Clearing skies and gusty winds. Lows in the upper 20s to mid-30s. Confidence: Medium

Sunday’s Weather

Sunday: Sunny with mild temperatures in the low to mid-50s. Wind chills in the 40s. Breezy conditions. Confidence: Medium-High

Sunday Night Outlook

Sunday night: Clear skies and calming winds. Look out for the rising full “worm” moon. Lows in the upper 20s to mid-30s. Confidence: Medium

Week Start Forecast

High confidence in sunny weather for Monday with average temperatures. Mid-50s to low 60s. Confidence: Medium-High

Tuesday’s Prediction

Cloudy skies expected for Tuesday with cooler temperatures around 55. Chance of a stray shower. Updates may bring more sunshine and temperatures near 60. Stay tuned. Confidence: Medium

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