Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces motion to remove Mike Johnson as House speaker

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Seeks to Oust Speaker Mike Johnson


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has initiated a motion to remove Speaker Mike Johnson from his position, as per sources familiar with the situation. This move coincided with the House’s decision to prevent a government shutdown.

Dynamics of the Motion

Johnson, who hails from Louisiana, assumed the speakership five months ago after Kevin McCarthy was removed through a similar process. Greene’s motion necessitates a simple majority vote to oust the speaker. Interestingly, she did not file the motion as privileged, which would have prompted a vote within two legislative days. Instead, it was submitted as a regular motion, potentially leading to referral to a committee.

Mike Johnson at the US Capitol

Upcoming House Proceedings

The House is scheduled to adjourn for a two-week break on Friday and will not address the motion until its return on April 9th. Raj Shah, a spokesperson for Johnson, emphasized the speaker’s commitment to advancing conservative legislation focused on border security, national defense, and expanding the majority.

Repercussions of the Motion

Rep. Matt Gaetz, known for his role in McCarthy’s removal, expressed reluctance towards supporting Greene’s motion against Johnson. Gaetz highlighted concerns about a potential Democratic successor and the risk of Republican defections.

Historical Precedent

Gaetz’s past actions led to a significant milestone in U.S. history with the removal of a House speaker mid-session. The ensuing chaos within the Republican caucus culminated in Johnson assuming the role.

Greene’s Intentions

Greene hinted at her intentions during a podcast appearance before the recent spending vote. While acknowledging discussions about a motion to vacate, she remained cryptic about the specifics, citing various reasons for her approach.

This story is evolving, and updates will follow as it progresses.

Contributors: Scott Wong, Julie Tsirkin, Kyle Stewart, Sahil Kapur

Read More of this Story at – 2024-03-22 15:58:49

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